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It was finally a sunny day at the sea after days of gloominess.

You took off your jacket, letting the heat soak through your shirt and spread throughout your body like a warm hug. You shut your eyes, smiling to yourself. Everything felt peaceful-

"Oh, so you can break an apple in half with your bare hands and you think you're strong?" Yeosang scoffed. "I once cracked a siren in half-"

"Well, obviously the parameter is different," Jongho pointed out. "You're a siren."

"I've lost most of my siren strength though. Maybe I should try cracking you in half-"

"Oh, try it on San," Jongho pointed at the sorcerer. "He seems like he would be easy to crack."

"Hey!" San scooted away. "You're not doing that to me- hey!"

Yeosang had picked San up in his arms, quite effortlessly, while Jongho stood giggling at the way San tried to squirm out of the siren's grasp. You would have tried to ignore them were it not for San having finally escaped and the three now running around you as they tried to catch each other. Yeosang almost bumped into you but with a quick apology, he was back to chasing him. You took a deep breath, willing yourself to let it go but when Yeosang tackled San and the two fell with a thud making the boat shake dangerously, you shouted at them.

"Not one moment of peace!" You glared at the three who straightened. "Yeosang, why would you want to crack San in half?"

"Yes, tell him!" San looked down at the siren-

"He's obviously the easier prey out of the two and we need the sorcerer. I would be going after Jongho- he's pretty useless save for his singing-"

"You traitor!" Jongho yelled at you and you grinned as Yeosang went after Jongho. San shook his head in amusement, settling down next to you.

"Enjoying the sun?"

"Very much," you grinned. "What's our bearings?"

"On track like we're supposed to," San exhaled. "I hope we don't run into trouble again. The last island was enough."

Now that the four of you were a team, you were travelling the seas in search of a secluded island you could inhabit and call home- it didn't have to be secluded. The last two islands you chanced upon were unwelcoming to your group and for all the right reasons.

Your group attracted too much attention and nobody liked that.

"Perhaps we're meant to live on the sea after all," you sighed wistfully. "Sailing endlessly, a home with each other, one siren, one sorcerer and two hunters. We should search for more crew members then, what say you?"

"It'll happen if it has to," San said. "We didn't search for each other, did we? It just happened."

"Well, we're lacking a pirate and mer- wait, is that a boat?"

You calling it a boat was an overstatement- it was more like a raft with a lone man travelling on it. You looked at San, wondering if you had really manifested something. San asked, "Should I check? Seems like a good time to offer our services in exchange for some money."

"Sure," you laughed. "Let's offer the poor guy a ride anyway- I don't know how he made it this far in the middle of the ocean on a raft- I'm curious."

"You'll stay here- San and Jongho can do the talking," Yeosang slumped next to you now that San and Jongho were steering the boat in the raft's direction. "We don't want a replay of how you handled a potential customer last time."

"Come on," you turned to him, scratching below his chin. "Just because I offered him our pretty siren in exchange for his longsword which was way prettier than mine, doesn't mean I would have actually traded you. You know that, right?"

Yeosang narrowed his eyes. "Do I? Somehow I still suspect you would have gladly traded me for an object."

You grinned, kissing his lips for a good moment. "Of course not. I don't think I can part ways with my longsword."

"But you will part ways with me, after everything we've been through-"

"And I can't make out with a sword, can I?" You winked at him, watching the siren flush a million shades of red. He pursed his lips, flustered, suddenly finding the ends of your sleeves interesting. You enjoyed passing flirting remarks like that so much- Yeosang was experiencing love for the first time in his long life, though he claimed he wasn't 'inexperienced'. You made it your life's mission to give him a love worthy of legends- something that would overwrite the tragic love story of a siren and a human which was all people knew for centuries now.

"Y/n, Yeosang!" Jongho called. "Our guest claims to have escaped a pirate ship."

"On a raft? Impressive," you got up, shaking the man's hand and assessing his appearance- his red hair looked like it was different shades in the sun. His skin was a little tan and he was wearing a lot of jewellery. "Where do you come from?"

"You might have heard of the White Mask? The pirate crew? I was their firstmate but things happened. I no longer wish to be a part of them so I escaped with what I could."

"Wow," you breathed- you were in the company of the legendary firstmate of the White Mask. You had heard a lot about those pirates whom even other pirates feared but you never expected their First Mate to look so... normal. "How can we be of service?"

"I wouldn't have bothered you all- I can make it to the continent on my own, but when I sensed who you were, I couldn't resist joining."

"Sensed?" You frowned. "What are you then?"

"Half mer," he grinned. "Nice to meet you, I'm Hongjoong. I heard you were looking for more crew members?"

You looked at the others who looked slightly amused, a bit shocked, but willing to see if you could have the legend of a pirate joining your crew.

"Well, I sure hope we get along," you smiled.


A/N: andddddd it's the end! i hope you guys enjoyed this story ngl it was my first time writing a sea/pirate-ish setting and bruh it was tough lmao but yay! the crew expands! :')

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