3 - August

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She's gone without so much as a goodbye. It's almost like she was a fever dream; so vivid, so real, so amazing, and almost too good for this earth. Maybe she was a figment of my imagination. That would make sense because of the way she was in my life so quickly and left just as swiftly. I'd believe it was a dream because I don't do relationships, or kisses or sleeping with anyone. There was no way I would've been interested in kissing Jasmine or sleeping with her under normal circumstances. Maybe Jasmine was an angel that came in when I needed her and left straight after. Though I've never believed in angels, maybe this was the proof I needed. I don't look at anyone that way, not anymore. Not since Abby.

With Abby, we were together for three years, until she literally turned up and told me she was moving out. No rhyme or reason. We'd been drifting apart for a while; we both knew it, but neither of us were big enough to talk about it.

Then Adam came over and told me he'd been sleeping with her for a year, and she was pregnant. That did not end well.

My heart had closed itself off, put a guard up and focused on my medic training and career, but Jasmine – literally – ran into my life, and somehow connected to me and brought that guard down that hasn't left since that fateful day.

Is Insta-love even a thing? Can you have a connection to someone so quickly, and in the circumstances we had? Was it wrong of us to sleep together after everything she went through last night and the years with her ex? I don't know the answers, but I know something was there between us. Maybe it was love or just some strong as fuck chemistry, but there was something more than lust there.

People at work jokingly call me The Grumpy Doctor because I'm quiet, reserved, and sometimes closed off. Until I treat a patient, of course. But I know there's something behind my grumpiness; I wasn't this bad until Abby cheated and left. Last night, something changed, and it makes me wonder if Jasmine is meant to be in my life to bring the less grumpy version of me back.

But clearly, Jasmine feels slightly different or she'd still be here. Or left me a number or some way of contacting her.

The note fills me with some hope, at least:


I'm sorry to do this, but please believe this note: last night was amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving me. I never believed in love at first sight, but I don't know. Maybe it was that? Whatever it is, I woke up this morning and didn't want to leave. Maybe I could've asked you on a date or carried on from last night.

This is awkward. Anyway – I was checking my phone, and you were still asleep; you mentioned work later, so I left you to sleep. I get on social media and while I blocked Josh, people have shared his posts. He took a photo of us walking home last night and put out these threats, asking if anyone knows you and threatening to hunt you down.

Whatever we had, I can't put you in danger like this. So this is goodbye. For now.

My wish – call it a desperate wish – from the bottom of my heart is that they'll send him away to prison for what he's done. Then, one day, maybe somehow, we'll find each other again and pick up where we left off. Josh asked me once if I believed in soulmates, and I lied to him. I told him I didn't because really, I do, but he wasn't it. I do believe in them, and though we had a moment, I think I may have found mine.

Until that day when we can be together again, be happy. Jasmine.'

Well, shit. Now I get that she did feel the same.

The fact she didn't even give me a choice hurts. What's an idiot like that going to do once he's posted threats in the public domain? Get in legal trouble, that's what. What an absolute tool. Not to mention this feels personal because the absolute dick not only abused and threatened Jasmine, but he's now blocking us from being together. She hasn't left any information; no address, no number, no surname, no place of work. All I know is that she was running from a club – I know the club – and her ex-boyfriend's first name.

I guess it's just a case of living until the moment we might run into each other again. And maybe a lot of social media digging. It can't be that hard, can it?

I've never actually thought about soulmates before. Years ago, I read up on the red string theory where destined lovers have this magical, invisible red cord tied around their hands. The thread will never break, and regardless of place, circumstances or time, the two are destined to love each other. It's basically soulmates, but with a little more magic, and I love the idea. Do I believe it? I'm not sure, but something about Jasmine has me wondering if we're those two who have a cord tied around our hands.

Until then, I guess I have to deal with the idea I may never see her again, and maybe we were just meant to be together for a single moment. But I fucking hope I do see her again.


I close the front door after the police have been later that afternoon and sigh. She put a statement in and they're investigating. While they didn't give me a last name for Jasmine; I assume because she maybe asked them not to, which is her choice. What they did tell me was that they're investigating him for abuse, stalking, harassment and carrying a knife, amongst other things. It sounds like they might be finally taking it seriously. Maybe they have CCTV of him with the knife last night or the social media messages he put up or something. They took my statement for seeing this Josh idiot and what she told me last night and said they'd be in touch if they need anything more.

I just hope for Jasmine's sake they charge him with something.

That's the thing I have to remember; despite the romantic turn the night took, she was here because she was fleeing from this idiot. No matter what happened between us, she's still hurting from the abuse and disgusting behaviour he subjected her to. She mentioned they were 'together' for two years – the beginning was good, and then he started showering her with too much love and it turned abusive, and they've been split up for five months now, all of which she's been trying to break free and get justice. Even if we were to meet again, she'd still be healing.

There's a high chance I was just a rebound; a fumble out of high emotions. But then, why would she leave the letter?

Either way, I need to move forward with my life, which will be easier said than done.



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