7 - August

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I press enter on the discharge form, and that's it. Jasmine's free to go, I just need to go in and tell her. That means potentially her leaving again with no way of contacting her or a case of being rejected. Though, somehow from her words before her X-ray, I don't think she'd dismiss contact now that arsehole is in prison.

It's seven in the morning now, which means as soon as I discharge her, I can go home. She's been here for seven fucking hours for an X-ray and some blood work. I grab the iPad and head to her cubicle.

"It's Doctor Walker. Can I come in?" I call.


I walk into the cubicle. She's sitting up with the splint on her wrist now, out of the sling. "How're you doing?"

She nods. "Okay. Feeling stupid for just a sprained wrist and a random faint."

I smile. "You're not stupid. Luckily, you weren't spiked; my theory is you probably had a drop in blood pressure due to the heat from the club. Could've been dehydration if you weren't drinking a lot of water plusthe heat and suddenly going into the cold. Your blood tests came back normal, and you've been fine since. As for the sprain; elevation, ice and exercise are the best things you can do. Rest it for a while after exercising and keep it in the splint when out, just in case."

Jasmine nods. "Thank you."

"You're free to go when you're ready. I've discharged you. If you get worse, come back if it's bad, or ask your GP. Over-the-counter painkillers will work wonders too. If you faint again without cause, I'd suggest getting the GP involved, too."

She nods and takes the pieces of paper of advice on sprains and fainting I pass to her. Our hands brush ever so slightly, and it sparks something in my chest. Our eyes meet as our hands remain touching for a moment. If I wasn't at work, I'd grab her right now and take her home, but I've worked way too hard for this job and I refuse to risk my career when I could just wait a little longer, or of course, if she rejects me.

"Thank you." After a second, a sparkle glints in her eye and a smile that spells trouble conjures on her face. "You know, I haven't got a way to get home, and I think we should talk outside these walls."

She's definitely a witch if ever I've seen one, and she knows what she's doing. Jasmine is bewitching me under her spell and I never want to be cured of it.

I release my hand from the paper. "I've just finished my shift. Meet me outside and I'll drop you off."


The drive to her new place is pretty quiet. There's some small talk about the fact she's twenty-two, a hairdresser and she's asking about her sprained wrist. The whole 'us' talk hasn't been brought up.

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