English presentation

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After school

Lorie, 1989 and Red all went back to Lorie's place, they had a presentation to start working on.

After bio class, Lorie and 1989 went up to the teacher to talk about the rooming situation, and the teacher informed them that there were indeed rooms that could hold 3 people.

She warned them that if she let them have one of them, she didn't want to hear about any trouble they caused, but the teacher knows who she was talking to, and she knew that she didn't have to worry about it.

Folklore's parents werent home this afternoon, they had a work event to attend, they'd be gone all evening.
Evermore, or Eve, Folklore's sister was home. She had a few days off from uni and decided to spend them back home.

The 3 girls were working in Folklore's room. They couldve used the living room but Folklore said she does all her work upstairs, and it was her house after all so.

Red: Don't we have to have read the book if we went to present it

1989: If you wanna do it the right, ethical, straight A's student way yes, but we all know your grades arent the best

Red: Okay, ouch

1989: No I dont mean it like that-

Lorie: She's just saying you dont need to read it, i'll just tell you the plot and we can start by summerising it

1989: Yeah exactly, you get me

Red: Okay, okay. But I do want to read it tho, maybe not for school, but from what you've told me so far, I think i'd really like it

1989: Ew, are you turning gay Red?

Red: What? No, I like men. Even though they're gross sometimes

As Red finishes her sentence, Lorie's bedroom door opens. It was her sister, she was bringing snacks for the girls, even though Lorie told her not to.

Eve was always the curious kind, she wanted to know everything about everyone. And being the older sister, didn't stop her from always being inquisitive about Folklore's life.

The two sisters had a strong bond, sure they fought like all siblings, but overall they're really close. Even after Evermore left for her studies, they'd still call each other every day.

But Lorie did find her curious side a little annoying sometimes. She doesn't like people meddling in her life.

Eve: Who's gross
Evermore asks Red when she enters the room

Red: Hi-, uhm boys, boys are gross

Eve: I have to agree with that

Lorie: What's up Eve?

1989: Oh hey! You're Eve?

Eve: Yes I am, and you must be my sister's gf, nice to meet you

Lorie blushes when she hears the g-word, and 1989 notices. She leans in and gives her a small kiss on the cheek and replies to Evermore.

1989: Nice to meet you too Eve!

Eve: Oh and here, I brought you guys some snacks.

Red: Thank you, that's so nice of you!

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