After The Storm

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The rest of the week went by slower than expected. Now that everyone knew about 1989 and Midnights's past, they'd get comments about it everywhere in the school.

Lorie had spent Friday at home and during the weekend, she got better and she was now ready to go back to school.

Monday morning, 1989 was getting ready for school and the stress was taking over her. She had to tell her gf about her history with Midnights before someone exposes her at school.

Over the phone

Rep: Oh my lord stop worrying. That was like four days ago, everyone already forgot about it.

1989: What if they didn't? What if Lorie hears it from someone and she doesn't wanna be with me anymore? What if they call me mean things? What if Midnights hates me now because she and her gf broke up?

Rep: It's not even 8am slow the fuck down. I'm still in bed. And like I said, don't worry. If they call you names that's bullying and you can just go to the principal for that, for the Folklore thing i'm sure she'll get over it, it was before you two even met. And as for Midnights, she really has only herself to blame.

1989: Wdym you're still in bed?! You're gonna be late, get the fuck up.

Rep: I'm hanging up now, byeeee.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1989 waited for her gf to arrive in front of the school, hoping she could get a word in before she's all caught up with the drama.

She was pacing in the parking lot waiting for Lorie's car to park. But instead, another familiar car parked right next to her. The car drove by so close it couldve touched her.


1989 yelled that before seeing who was driving the car. But she shut her mouth right up when she saw Midnights getting out of it.

Midnights: Hey Nine! Why are you yelling at me?

1989: Sorry I didn't see it was y- YOU ALMOST RAN ME OVER WITH YOUR CAR!

Midnights: Please, I know how to drive. Love your outfit.

She blushes, she had chosen something that would say to Lorie 'yk Midnights the girl i'm tutoring well we kinda... before we started dating'. That was the look she was going for.
Her legs with covered by black tights with black shorts and she was wearing a light blue sweater to put the whole thing together.

1989: Thanks, but that doesn't change the fact that you almost killed me.

Midnights: Don't be so dramatic.

1989: Also what are you doing here? How come you're early?

Midnights: New years resolutions.

1989: Midnights it's almost March.

Their conversation was cut short by a ringing device in 1989's pocket, it was Lorie calling her.

She picks up the phone and hears her gf's much healthier voice. She could tell she was better just by the two words she said to her.

Lorie: Look up.

And she does. She finds Lorie standing a few cars down the parking lot making her way to her.

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