Chapter 1: Not at All Amazing

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"No" Santiago says repeatedly as he rolls his eyes going over the different tank tops. "Come on, you were supposed to help me" I look at him annoyed continuing throwing different things out of my closet. "I am totally helping, just trying not to dress you like a slut" he sighs and lays flat on his back.

"You idiot, this isn't slutty" I cross my arms and looks at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "I'm pretty sure this is slutty" he says and grabs the closest top he can find and folds it out. He laughs at it and i quickly grab it from him.

It's a black tank top with florals in the bottom. "Great idea" I smile and nod proudly at the tank top.

"Dude" he says appealing and throws a hand through his curly midnight black hair. Santiago was my bestfriend. Or he was more like the brother i never got. We have been friends since we were younger and honestly one of the only people i could trust.

"These are perfect" I say and grab a pair of baggy jeans with a cross on the back-pocket. "Why do you even care so much" he looks at me confused and groans laying his head on my pillow.

"It's the first day tomorrow and i wan't to impress Diego" I say quietly looking at him with a shy smile. Everybody in town knew who Diego  Martinez was. Even Santiago knew him and he didn't even go to my school?!

"No you won't" he mumbles and i scoff. "Watch me mister long pants" i say and put my outfit together.

"This is it" I say and I look impressed by my creation. "Good job, that only took two hours" he says and chuckles and i slap him gently on his leg as he whimpers slighty.

"That didn't hurt dickhead" I say and smile stupidly at him. "It did" he says and i reply with "it didn't" and we kept going for like a second.

"Okay okay, you win" i say and begin to pack all the clothes inside my closet. "How do you even have so much" he asks and sits up. "Most of it is my sister old stuff" I say and continue stuffing the clothes.

"School drains me" he says and looks up tired.
"I know, but you know what, my mother has those cookies you love downstairs" I say walking out of the room as he looks after me.

"Wait really?!" He says exited and jumps after me in a cheerful mood.


A warm breeze blows my body as I arrive infront of the big school for the, i can't even count on how many times i've stood here. Same place, same timing, same everything.

Exept one thing. Myself. Was i going to be the nerd with three friends who likes to go to the library to read as an hobby. Definitely not. If people didn't notice me last year, they needed to notice me now.

I march towards the school and notice a couple of people staring weirdly at me. Okay maybe that was a little too weird.

I catch the girls sitting by the bench infront the school. "Hey guys" I say as I look around. "Damn girl what happened over summer" Jessie says and chuckles slighty.

"Yeah what" I chuckle to hide myself. "You look different" She then says and they all glare at me. "New look" I do a little presentation. "And i really need to get Diego to like me" I whisper to them looking around noticing if he heard me. Even though i still didn't see him.

The three look at eachother and i smile to sit down. "Don't turn out like those idiots though, they are stupid as hell" Isabela laughs and i sit down. "Of course not" I say and we all laugh.

Isabela was my other bestfriend. Yeah they were all my friends but Isabela and i were something different. She was always there for me when i needed her and i was always there for her. It was a special bond.

"First classes everyone" I say and look at them all. "Biology" Chrissy says. Her name was originally Christina but we approached her like Chrissy. "Same here" Isabela look at Chrissy and i nod slowly.

"I have math" Jessie rolls her eyes and rests her elbow on the table. "Damn that sucks" we all say agreeing with each other. Math was the worst thing ever.

"I got english" I finish saying as the bell interrupts me as we all grab our stuff and I walk off waving a quick wave to them before leaving.

I was pretty happy not being in the same class as them first period. I needed to learn new people. Back in the day i would just sit by myself during the entire lesson. Well not anymore.

Great the only two spots free were the ones in the front, at the alone table. I decide to sit down on the chair on the left as i look behind to catch the people around me. Holy shit. In the back of the class Diego sat.

He sat by his mate drowned in his seat. He looked so cute. His face was neutral and the hair was messy.

"Hello class" Miss Alvarez spoke annoyed as she leaned her hands on the table and look at us with a deceiving smile on her face.
"I know you just got back from summerbreak, soni wanted to give you a little group project" she smirks and everyone groans.

"But we will wait with that till next time" she says and everyone breathes out as a sigh of relief. Perfect. This was my chance to make a slight change to the groups. I would just ask Jessie if she would change the partners on her dads computer since he was the principal.


"Jessie, favor?" I ask as i hurry up to her walking out of math class. "Huh?" She says confused and looks the side to spot me.

"Can you do me a quick favor?"

"Depends" she says and i slow down to walk beside her. She was holding her hands on her backpack straps. "Can you change the partner plans for miss Alvarez class" i look at her with puppy eyes and a worried look on my face.

She looks at me confused "please, please make Diego my partner" i whisper his name and look around to make sure nobody heard me.

"Sorry who?" She looks at me smirking and stops up in front of me. I look at her with a are-you-serious expression "Diego" i whisper louder. "For 30$" she then says and i look at her.

"20$" i look directly at her and she replies with "25$" as she leds out her hand "deal" i shake it back as we quickly continue down the hall. "I will pay you after it happens" i say and let out a small squeak. "You better"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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