Chapter 1 (English)

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Includes: Slight Parley and a mention of Irondad. 


My AU is that May died due to a heart attack and the only person that knew at the moment was Tony and since he and Peter grew close, and Peter was happy with him May's last wish was that Tony would be Peter's parental guardian. Peter moved into the tower with Tony which was when the avengers were still the rogues. Peter knew about Siberia because he was the one who found Tony and called for help. Endgame never happened because Tony is alive and Peter hates Captain America.

Today was going to be the worst day of his entire life. First, Peter lost his science homework at home because Tony kept complaining that he was going to be late for school. Then he lost his ride to school, so he decided to swing there, which wasn't a good idea because he had to stop to get another churro from the kind lady and still make it to school on time. By the time he arrived, class had already started, and that wasn't even the worst of it.

As Mr. Harrison was telling them to get their books out, Peter hears Flash say from the back of the room, loud enough for most people to hear, including Mr. Harrison, "Did you hear? Puny Parker is going to get outed today by Tony Stark himself!"

Peter at first was honestly really confused at this because how was Tony, his dad (adopted), going to out him about something that wasn't a lie? Well, Pete was about to find out because Flash had asked his parents to fund a trip to Stark Industries, and the only reason Tony agreed was because he knew it was Peter's class, and he wanted every opportunity to embarrass him in front of his friends (mostly classmates). Most of the students who had heard were confused at first, but when Mr. Harrison said the sentence Peter dreaded most of his day. His day just got way worse, as other people's day just got a whole lot better.

"Mr. Thompson, we do not use that type of bullying in our school. Tomorrow we are going to Stark Industries so at the end of class I want everyone to take a permission slip and if you don't have it tomorrow then you cannot attend the trip." After Mr. Harrison said that he whispered down to Peter a quick, "see me after class," and then went back to teaching the lesson.

Peter obviously knew what Mr. Harrison meant because just like everyone in the whole school he didn't believe Peter actually had an internship. As the class ended and the bell rang Peter knew to stay back so he didn't even dare to stand up from his desk. Mr. Harrison walked over to him and pulled a chair positioning himself right in front of Peter's desk.

"Pete, I know you're a good kid and your grades are the best of the class, so it's best if you stop this lie. I know it's been hard since your uncle died, but that is not a good reason to lie about something that is serious." As Mr. Harrison took a pause to breathe, Peter opened his mouth to respond, but before he could even let out one breath, Mr. Harrison cut him off. "Pete, if you want to go on this field trip, I need you to get the slip signed by your aunt, Pete. Not Mr. Stark, because I know for a fact that forging a signature for a big person like Tony Stark could get you into real trouble, and I don't want that to go on your personal record. Got it, Pete?"

Peter just sat there, trying his best not to yell or shed a tear at the reference of his aunt, so he just nodded, knowing well that if he opened his mouth, it wouldn't be something Mr. Harrison would believe or understand.

Now, at lunchtime, Peter realized just how much he missed Harley. They met around a year ago, maybe even a little less, and they had grown fairly close considering that they met for work reasons because Mr. Stark paired them together, which was the worst decision Tony made in his career. Harley was Peter's boyfriend, and Peter was Harley's, but now, because of everything that happened today, he really wanted to be in bed cuddled against his warm boyfriend's chest, hearing the warm body radiate off of him.

Ned wasn't there today, but Peter got him a permission slip anyway because he knew Ned would want to go, and Mr. Harrison didn't even notice he was absent. He would have turned to MJ, but she didn't know about Harley or that he was Spiderman (or so he thought), so he didn't really feel like talking to her.

"Hey loser, sitting here alone because the nerd didn't come today?" Peter didn't even have to look around to know it was MJ; he didn't even want her here, but now that she is, it was better anyway.

His lunch was specially packed by Tony Stark himself in an Ironman lunchbox. Since Tony refused to keep any Captain America merch in the tower till the end of time (which was Peter's old lunch box design). And as he ate it, MJ thought it was kind of weird that Peter said almost nothing the entire lunch period. She let it go after she realized how he looked like he was on the brink of tears.

After lunch, he went to all his classes, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. The teacher was being too loud, which was really hurting his super hearing, but it happened every day, so he got used to it, still flinching from time to time. Flash bangs him up a little but decides to go easy since MJ was already close by and was a little worried because of lunchtime.

Happy picks him up as usual, but this time Happy was worried about Peter because usually Peter would hop into the car and start rambling about school or how cool Tony Stark was, or at least say something. Happy decided to tell Tony about the car ride as he dropped Peter off at the entrance door, just to make Tony aware because he knows how Peter can hide his feelings most of the time. As the message got to Tony, it passed to Harley, which created a whole new scenario for Peter because Peter knew how protective his boyfriend was.

This was 1129 words, and it took me so long! Sorry if it was short, but I hope you like it! And! SPOILER ALERT! The next 2-3 chapters will have more Parley and there will be at least 3 chapters.

Peter's so-called worst week(A Fieldtrip Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now