Chapter One

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HEY ALL!!!! SO THIS IS MY NEW STORY! It's a lot funnier and happier than Littler Bird so hopefully that helps a bit...ANYWAY! This story wouldn't really be what it is if it weren't for the help of my awesome editor sassylion or Lizzy K. she's awesome and helped me with the concept for this so she gets a dedication :D SO ANYWAY! I hope you all SINCERELY enjoy this! I'm working really hard on this and Littler Bird which will be out soon. SO YEAH! ON THE RIGHT IS A PICTURE OF THE BEAUTIFUL CLEMENT CHABERNAUD as Grey :) PLEASE ENJOY!!!


I slowly entered the book shop, hoping neither of my co-owners would hear me come in. I should probably mention that my luck has never been that good. I felt a hand clap onto my shoulder and I sighed to myself, turning to glare at Jamie as he gave me his stupid ‘knowing’ look.

                “Again, Grey?” he asked me, with that stupid British accent of his. I hated when he used his foreign ‘charm’ to make me admit my mistakes.

                “What ever do you mean, Jay-Jay?” I asked with my classic smirk. Jamie rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, releasing my shoulder. I turned to face him and frowned.

                “Another one, Grey? Honestly, you must be joking!” he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. I had broken up with yet another partner, much to Jamie’s chagrin. Not that it was his business in the first place, though. Nosy bastard.

                “What’s Grey joking about?” Finn, the other co-owner, asked as he popped out from behind a book shelf on the upper level.

                “Your sex life, Finn. I said you had one,” I said sharply. Finn cracked a small grin at me, leaning on the banister and staring down at me from the second floor.

                “That was a good one, Grey. Who’d you break up with this time? Jennifer?” he asked.

                “He broke up with Jenna three weeks ago to go out with Andrew again. Keep up, Finn,” Jamie said with a playful smirk on his lips.

                “Damn, Grey, you’re kind of a tramp, aren’t you?” Finn asked, laying his chin on the wooden banister. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off as I walked casually toward the cash register.

                “Finley!” Jamie shouted, only half joking. “You don’t just say that! Honestly, who taught you manners?”

                “I take pride in my honesty, Jamie. Or did you want me to tell him that his relationship merry-go-round is healthy?”

                They did this a lot too, just talked about me like I wasn’t there. Good fun.

                “Just don’t say it out loud, you twat.” Jamie grumbled. I scoffed; quickly reprogramming the ancient register before glancing up at the two idiots I called my best friends. I shook my head and looked at the door as the bell above it jangled obnoxiously.

                “Welcome to Inked,” I began before my eyes locked onto the guy barreling toward the register. He laid his hands down on the counter and leaned close to my face. He gave me a smirk and ran a hand through his styled ‘disheveled’ dark blonde hair.

                “Well hey, sexy. Names are unimportant, ‘cause all I’m gonna need is you and me, baby,” he said, practically undressing me with his eyes. I gave him a raised eyebrow and glanced back at Jamie and Finn amusedly.

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