So now what?

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(okay so its been a while so im

 sorry if my writing isn't good as before, enjoy)

"Alright, we need to get out of here!!!!" Starflight yelled, panicking; he was right.

Then something out of her worst nightmares came barreling out of the forest right at them.

Glory's POV

I immediately spread her wings and took to the sky, as did the others. Then a creature came out of the forest, and it was massive. It walked on two big, strong legs, each with only three toes. Its body was huge and also wide, with small arms tipped with fingers and claws and a long tail. Its head—that's the scariest part—was huge, as big as an entire dragon with a long snout and a terrifying gaping mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, and it had amber eyes.

Whatever this creature was looked up at all of us and let out a roar so loud and horrifying that I felt like my wings would give out and if I fell straight into that thing's jaws. My wings didn't give out, but Sunny's did, and she started plummeting.

Glory, 3rd person POV
"No!" Glory yelled, her scales turning an acid green as she saw one of her best friends fall to their deaths. Thankfully, Clay grabbed her and quickly lifted her up away from that thing. Glory flew over to Sunny.Sunny, are you u okay?" Glory asked, concerned. She had never seen her so scared, "it..i.u." Sunny tried to speak but couldn't. They were now all flying a safe distance, high up, away from the creature as it roared and jumped, trying to reach us.

Tsunami, being as reckless as she is, flew down and hit the creature on the snout with her tail. " OW!" The tsunami cried out, " It's scales are so hard!" She then flies back up to a safe height, and she has a scared look on her face,which is not one you'd see on a tsunami. Glory bared her fangs and spit her venom, and to her horror, the venom had no effect; it just fizzled away.

"What, how is that possible?!" Glory yelled out in shock, and she thought to herself,I never thought that my venom wound wouldn't work."

Glory's scales were still a leaf green as she looked down at the creature below them. It roared one final time at them, then turned around and disappeared into the forest.

They didn't fly back to the ground because they were unsure if the creature was there or not, but after a while, they flew back down, and it was just awkward silence. Sunny looked as white as a ghost, and she was clinging to clay.

"Well, I definitely believe you know Glory," Tsunami said kind of jokingly.

"Good to know your highness, haha, Gloria remarked, trying to lift the mood. She was still very green from this. Deathbringer looked at her and said, " So now what?"

"Let's go back to the rain forest and into my hut, and we can discuss it there later." Glory's voice was a tiny bit shaky, but she was trying to hide it. They fly to Glory's hut, and they enter her hut, and they all start talking.

"W-what was that monster?" Sunny's voice was quivering. Clay wrapped a wing around her. Is Sunny blushing? Glory chuckled slightly at seeing Sunny's red face, and she smiled softly at the sight. Starflight spoke up and said, "Well, I was looking through some of the scrolls in the academy, but I couldn't find any on that thing." His body shakes up a little.

"But I flew back to our old cave, and I looked through the scrolls. I looked around for a while, and I found some old scrolls. It was hidden behind all the others, and it's one I haven't read before." He then pulled out a very old and worn-down-looking scroll from his bag.

"A scroll that you haven't read? "Impossible," th tsunami said teasingly.

"Very funny, tsunami. Seriously, though, look at this." He opens the scroll to reveal some writing and a drawing of a very similar-looking creature to the one they saw before. Starflight's eyes go wide. "Look, its that thing we saw!" he points to the drawing, and it's another creature. Clay takes the scroll from Starflight and looks at it.

"What's a din-o-saur?" He struggles to say it.

"I think it's pronounced dinosaur clay; that's what that thing is called." Sunny smiles warmly at him.

"Ohhhhh, Clay says as he realizes that's how it's pronounced.

"This is amazing! We've just discovered an entirely new species; there's so much to learn. We need to." Starflight gets cut off by the Deathbringer covering his mouth. "Okay, Starflight, we get it. You're getting all excited, but we need to do something." Glory nods her head in agreement. "Your right, this dinosaur could be a serious problem that we'll have to deal with. I'll make an announcement to the others."

"Hey, did we just agree on something?" Deathbringer chuckled as he looked at Glory, smiling.

"Don't get used to it." Glory rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of pink spreading on her wings. Deathbringer just smiled at her with that look in his eyes, causing Glory to get even pinker, and this caused Tsuanmi to roll her eyes. Glory flew up to a high point with Grandeur, and she nodded at her.

"Attention, Rainwings and Nightwings! Your Queen has an announcement!" Grandeur shouted. Glory smiled appreciatively at her. Grandeur has been such a great help to her during her time as Queen, especially since she's one of two tribes. Glory couldn't have asked for a better secretary.

She clears her throat. "Hello everyone, I just want to say something to all of you." Glory spoke, and lots of dragons started turning to her. Over time, being queen has gotten a lot easier; even the Nightwings have grown to like her, and it seems they've grown to accept her, but her favorites had to be Moon and Kinkajou. Suddenly, as if she heard her Kinkajou, she swooped down from a tree and landed right next to her.

"HIII!! My favorite queen and also my best friend!!!!!" Kinkajou squealed as her scales turned all sorts of colors. "Hello, Kinkajou, I'm just making an announcement." Kinkajou smiled at her. "Oooh, what's it about???" "Just listen"

"So recently, we discovered that there is a dangerous animal in our forest." Immediately as she said this, some of the rainwings turned white and green. Scary whispers and murmurs started filling the air; even the Nightwings were exchanging worried glances.

"Everyone calm down and stop panicking; everything is ok; we just need to find a solution to this," Glory said. Though she sounded confident, deep down she wasn't as confident as she sounded. All the nightwings and rainwings calmed themselves, but some rainwings did have hints of green and white.

"I think everyone should just be cautious, is what I'm saying, and be careful when you're going near the forest. Do not let any of your dragonets near the forest because this thing eats dragons." As she said this, she noticed most of the dragons looked scared, especially the parents of dragonets. "We're trying to find a solution, so please just be calm and stay away from the forest!"

Grandeur looked at Glory, a little concerned. " Glory I think what you are doing is smart, but do you know that we get a lot of our food from our forest? What are you planning on doing?"

"I don't know to be honest; for now, I just want to make sure my subjects are safe, and for the food, well, we will still collect it, but just not as often." Glory said she was worried.

Grandeur smiled "A wise decision; truly, you are my granddaughter." Glory smiled softly at her comment.Thank you, and I'm pretty sure I'm like your great granddaughter or something."

(again im so sorry if the writing isn't as good its been over a year since I have written anything :) )


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