The loneliness

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Strobe lights worked the dance floor, music thumped through the room. Sweat and alcohol mixed as bodies mingled, rubbing and swaying together. The place was a sauna, with the heat coming off of the bodies and the lack of proper ventilation, the temperature was enough to put anyone off if they where just arriving. But all of these people where too far gone to know what planet they where on. That's why Alex liked it here.

Time would fly till he was into the early hours of the morning. Girl after girl would advance on him and of course he couldn't say no. At the back he would make out with them until he was bored, in which he would leave them, promising to come back and never return. He was back dancing again, his arms wrapped around a little brunette who seemed to be enjoying his attention as every time he moved she would always be there. Everything was a blur of lights and movement, he had had a lot of alcohol and was feeling the effects. Of course his friend Brendon was at the bar watching, drinking a simple cola as usual. Alex winked at him, only to receive an annoyed eye roll in return as Brendon turned back to his cola.

Brendon was Alex's best mate, the only person who seemed to stick around all throughout his life. Brendon was always there to drag him to the car and give him a ride home, all the others where in the same state as him. Out of all his friends Brendon seemed to be the only one who would try to help him, and not to mention keep a girlfriend for more than a couple of days. The guy was a genius, being able to balance his social life, work, school, exercise and go with his wild friends to parties that held no interest to him. It was impressive really. Alex - though he would never admit it - looked up to him.

Alex laughed leaving the now sad looking brunette to join his friend. "What is it Bren?" He asked throwing himself messily on the stool next to him. Brendon looked down his jaw twitching in annoyance, before looking to the sweaty mess of a body next to him. Taking in his friends appearance he shook his head before tuning back to his cola, twirling the ice with his straw.

"You know Alex, this isn't healthy." He said his attention still on his cola. Even with the large amount of drink pumping through his veins Alex knew that Brendon was serious, and was obviously very bothered. Alex moved in his seat, his high suddenly disappearing as if he hadn't been wild just seconds ago.

"Look Alex, it really isn't and you know it. If I didn't know any better I would have said you have a drink problem. But, I know you don't. You have a problem with you. You have to stop this Alex. And I'm not saying this because I want to wreck your life and try and control you, I'm saying this because I care. I care about you and your life and so far you haven't had much of one. Alex you know I'm always here for you, but I can't just sit by and watch you drink your life away." Brendon looked at Alex, who was now mirroring Brendon's earlier position of looking down at the sticky dark bar.

Brendon had never complained to Alex about all his partying and drinking before. He would just sigh and go, complaining about the time he was wasting. It hit Alex hard, he knew he had a problem but now he had never been so aware of it. Brendon put a hand on his friends shoulder before squeezing slightly, causing Alex to look up at him.

"You're like a brother to me man. I can't lose you." Brendon said looking into Alex's brown eyes. Slowly Alex nodded letting Brendon help him to the car.

With a lot of moaning and groaning Alex was thrown into the back seat of Brendon's Vauxhall Astra. The ride home was smooth and Brendon only had to stop once to put Alex back on the seat, which was a lot better than usual. When finally in the mansions drive, Brendon helped Alex climb out of the car and up the steps to the large oak doors.

No matter how many times Brendan went to The Williams manor, he was always amazed at the sheer size and beauty of the place. His family were well off but nothing compared to the Williams family... Well more like company.

With Alex's key he quickly let them in, before helping Alex up the large marble steps and down the grand corridor to his large room. Flopping Alex down on the new bed, he pulled his shoes off and threw the covers over him. Pulling out his bed side drawer he searched for the aspirin he knew resided there, thinking about what Alex would have to endear in the morning. Popping two out he left them next to the filled glass of water on top of the drawers.

The boy was lucky and he didn't even know it. He lived in a mansion and drove only the best cars, yet all he seemed to realise was the bad things in his life. With a sigh Brendon left, checking the snoring Alex once more, before locking the door behind himself leaving the key under a statue that Alex knew to look under.

In the morning the hungover boy turned grumbling at the movement, sweeping his arm out he hit the side table. With a yelp he sat up cradling his hand only to moan and cradle his head. Flashes of the night before whizzed round his head as he took in his surroundings. Thank you, Bren, he thought taking the two aspirins set out at his side, with the water he filled before he left. He relaxed, feeling the smooth cold liquid run down his burning throat, waiting a little while before getting up to let the aspirin take effect.

Last night hadn't been the best but it's better than sitting in the house. He ran a hand through his brown bed head, only to have it go back to being all over the place. With a sigh he got up, using the head board to support him as he waited until the room stopped spinning. Here we go again, he thought as he made his way stumbling towards the bathroom. Grabbing onto the door frame he stopped to gain some composure, before heading onwards to the sink. Looking at himself the morning after was always the hardest part. It was always the same: his hair a mess with some sticky substance in it, probably drink, he thought. His clothes stained with makeup and more drink, face covered in different colours of lipstick. But what was most noticeable to him was the dullness of his eyes.

No matter how many times he went out he still couldn't get that twinkle back, but he knew it wouldn't come back, not like this. Although he was drunk, dancing and looking like he's having the time of his life, inside he was sad. Sad and lonely after everything that happened with his parents. He blamed them for everything: why he went out and got this way, why he felt this way, why he feels so lonely, so unwanted.

Slowly he ran the shower, stripping he got in letting the warm water flow down his body. He watched as the remnants of last night become nothing but slurred memory, that soon he would replace. After he was sure everything was out of his hair and nothing was on his body - apart from a few bruises - he slipped out, wrapping a towel around his waist and taking another for his hair. Pulling on his favourite shorts and top he began to make his way to the house gym, but stopped when he saw to figures at the front door. His parents.

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