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Lisa Pov

The door slams behind me as I tramp inside the small dingy office that used to belong to Kai. The desk sits close to the back, two couches lining the opposite walls in front of it. The place is crammed with old files and invoices and smells like grease.

I dive towards the bottom drawer where I know I'll find a bottle of whiskey. Taking it out, I ignore the small tremor in my hand and twist the cap off, lifting the bottle to my lips.

I take two—okay, maybe three or four—large gulps and wince as the cheap alcohol burns down my throat and lights my stomach on fire. I slump down behind the desk and try to catch my breath.

Fuck. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. I needed to be close to Jennie and buying this run down bar seemed more logical than stalking her forever. Jisoo rolled her eyes when I told her of my plan. She knows this is more than just me keeping tabs on Jennie—a kindling obsession, she must think. But still she let me have it, we're always looking for nondescript businesses to launder our money through, so she conceded.

First, Kai had to turn up dead. You can't buy property from a missing person. The red-tape should have taken much longer, luckily Bangchan's connections reach the highest places in Noxport. We had the deed turned over to us in mere days.

Funny how that works.

But now, while trying to regain my senses like a fucking schoolgirl with a crush, things don't feel so cut and dry. It feels more like being tied up, lying across the tracks while I wait for the train to run me over. I can feel the rumble of disaster in the distance.

How did I ever think this was a good idea?

And then—then—I find Jennie half naked in the employee room and nearly fucking lost it.

Years of hiding my facial expressions barely helped as I watched her body flush at the sight of me.

Was it anger? Lust? Both?

Either way, I just wanted to see it happen again. I wanted to watch her skin paint a story her lips refused to tell. My pull to her is unbearable. Undeniable.

How can I remember lifetimes between us and fucking pretend?

Pretend I don't know her. Pretend I don't know how it feels to watch her fall apart as she comes underneath me. Maybe there are parts of Jennie I no longer know, but her soul—I know inside and out. No matter what, I will make her mine again.

This time it will work. We will work. There will be no heartbreak, or inexcusable deaths. Or anything of that fucking tragic bullshit.

The door slams open, the handle burrowing itself into the already existent hole in the wall. I flinch but keep my features neutral as Jennie storms her way into the office.

"What do you mean you own the bar?" she says, glaring at me, her arms crossed against her chest, trying to look as angry as possible. But I can tell she still fears me. Not as if I've done much to quell her fears.

Collaring her neck in a dark alley wasn't my best move, I must admit. But what else was I supposed to do? Let her fuck another guy? Over my dead fucking body. I scared the loser half to death instead, before telling him to stay the fuck away from her.

She shifts her weight from one foot to the other and continues, "You can't just drop a bomb like that, leave, and expect me to be all like, yes boss, okay boss! What's even going on here?"

Her voice cracks, an obvious tell that fear lies just beneath the surface. Instead, she tries to hide it by letting out an exaggerated breath and glaring her hazel eyes at me. Cute. I could stare at her all day. And I do just that, taking the time to truly take her in while she waits for me to reply.

She's short, sculpted, and with legs any man would pay to worship. I haven't seen her wear anything other than cut off shorts since the day she came barrelling into my life. Or I barrelled into hers...either way, I'm fucked.

I can't tell if this is a simple case of instant attraction or lifetimes worth of longing, but all I know is that the light dusting of freckles across her nose makes my dick twitch and my skin fucking itch.

Still, I keep my face expressionless. The urge to taunt her a bit longer is undeniable. I smirk while resting my elbows on the desk and steepling my hands. Her eyes flare in frustration, and one corner of my lips widens.

"Well, little sun, it's quite simple really." A near imperceptible gasp leaves her lips at the sound of her pet name. Good. I want her to unravel. I need her eager and pliant as I tug at the frayed edges of her self-control while I watch her remember who I am to her. I begrudgingly ignore how my cock responds to her small gasp and continue.

"Kai was found dead—"

"You killed him," she reminds me through clenched teeth.

Her bottom lip trembles but she quickly sucks it between her teeth in an attempt to hide it.

I stay silent, staring at her, matching the intensity I see in her stormy eyes. As soon as I discern the uneasiness behind the twitch of her hands I continue.

"As I was saying, since I killed Kai, as you so put it, and the bar was left without an owner it only seemed logical to purchase it. I won't bore you with the reasons as to why. Besides," I lean back into the office chair, widening my legs, my hands clasped casually against my stomach, "It's none of your fucking business."

Jennie takes a step back as if the words physically pushed her in the chest, her mouth opening and then falling shut. I can practically see her thoughts traveling at lighting speed behind her eyes before she finds the courage to bite back.

"None of my fucking business, yeah?" she repeats slowly, her head cocking to the side with a sly grin creeping up her lips. "If that's the case...then I can guarantee you that my state of undress is none of your fucking business. Besides," she says, tightly crossing her arms, her smile widening as if she won this little exchange of ours. "It's not like it matters when half the staff has already seen me naked."

At first I don't react, my jealousy burning so hot it almost feels cold. A near homicidal rage flares through me and it takes every ounce of control I have left not to let it show, settling back in the chair, my face wiped clean of any emotion.

"Careful..." I tsk, "It's almost like you forgot who you're talking to."

She flinches. And my mouth fucking waters. This really isn't helping much when she thinks I'm a psychopathic murderer but I can't help myself.

Even if it's fear I can see crawl across her skin, I am not above watching her breath hitch and her chest heave as she tries to compose herself. I can tell she's trying to resist the urge to tell me to go fuck myself. And I wish she would. It burns behind her eyes. And fuck, would it turn me on.

"I'll quit," she threatens, seeming to muster all the courage she has left.

I laugh. A condescending chuckle more like. I don't even try to resist the pull she has on me, standing up and stalking towards her. She goes on high alert but doesn't move as I inch myself closer to her trembling body. I lean over to her ear just so I can smell the delicate fragrance of her lip balm. Grapefruit—and a hint of sugar. What I would do to lick the seam of her lips just to have a taste.

"Don't kid yourself, darling. We both know you won't quit." I trail my fingers down her arm, chasing the goosebumps across her skin. "And if you do, well, we both know I'll always find you. You can't hide from me."

I straighten, staring her dead in the eyes, brushing my thumb against my bottom lip. "Besides..." I trail off. "I think there's a part of you who wants to be found. Isn't that right, my little sun?" I don't bother to stick around for an answer as I walk past her, leaving her dumbfounded in the middle of the office.

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