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Lisa Pov

The brass knuckles I'm wearing collide with Kai's face. He whimpers, his split lip dripping blood onto the plastic tarp, a mumble of words pouring out of his mouth, and his cheekbone most likely broken.

After dragging him out from Sammies, we brought him back to Jisoo's. Her house—an architect's dream—sits right in the middle of one the most affluent neighborhoods in Noxport, near the water. Her yacht club neighbors willfully ignorant of the less than legal business we conduct behind the thick cement walls of the basement. I own a condo downtown but I practically live here, Bangchan too.

The corner of the room is draped in blue plastic while dear ol' Kai hangs from a hook in the ceiling by his bound wrists. I drag a chair across the floor and sit down facing his drooping body. He's blubbering something about forgiveness but I can barely focus. I've waited so long to exact my revenge.

But the feeling in my chest now is anti-climatic at best. I can't stop thinking about her.


I guess in an ironic way I've spent five years searching for her too. Ever since I woke up confused in a hospital bed. Not to mention the bizarre coincidence of this asshole leading me straight to her. I can't help but wonder if she recognized me like I did her. But I know she didn't. Why would she?

I had to die to remember.

But her eyes can't lie. Jennie was Irene once...just like I was Cera.

She's mine—she's been mine for lifetimes.

I know, I don't make sense. Doesn't change the fact that it's true. And now I'm sitting in front of the asshole who wasn't only responsible for me nearly dying and ultimately remembering lives before this one. But he's also the fucker who led me straight to her. How could this insignificant piece of shit be such a catalyst?

Nothing makes any fucking sense.

I refuse to think about it any further. I originally wanted this little tête à tête with Kai to last a while. Torture him for as long as he could be conscious to feel. But now, I can't bear to even look at him.

Fuck it.

I stand from the wooden chair that's barely holding up my weight and head over to the small display of knives I laid out near his suspended body. I pick up the meanest looking one and stalk towards him.

There will be no last words for Kai, no final important end to his miserable fucking life. I need out of this room and out of the lingering questions attached to this worthless waste of breath. But he sees me coming and starts to whimper all over again, mangled pleading words barely exiting his mouth. I don't even let him finish.

I grab him by the hair, lift his chin up and unceremoniously slit his throat from ear to ear. The blood seeps through his shirt in seconds. I don't even bother to stay to watch him die. I just throw the knife back onto the table with a clang and walk out. My skin itches as I climb the stairs two by two.

I need a fucking drink.

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