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Urghhhh. My fucking head hurts. Woah hold up. Am I in bed right now. I swear I was just. Fuck my head. I'm dizzy as hell. Hungover probably. That's right I was at Tommy's. The party. I had, a lot of coke. Then a couple of us went in this. Cave? What the fuck were you doing last night Charlotte.

I got to get up. *Thump* Face in the floor tied up in silk blankets. Close enough. I push the blankets off me and jump up fast. Casual as ever Charlotte, well done. I need a smoke. I open up my top draw grabbing a pack and flicking it open. Three left, fuck, oh well it is what it is. I grab one and toss the rest in my bag. One book, lighter, and a jar with 2 joints in it. Looking real ready for school there Charlotte. Let's just close that one up.

My room is huge. Has been for the last five years since the Wallers adopted me. But I ain't letting anyone call me fucking Charlotte Waller no way. It's just Charlotte.

They live in this huge mansion. Biggest building in this small town. Polished white walls. Two big pillars at the front and a two way staircase through the doors. You know, real fancy like. Not fancy like maids or a greenhouse. But fancier then I've ever seen before this.

The parents themselves though. They suck. I feel like a glorified bucket list slot to tick off. Yeah let's adopt the 13 year old girl who smokes cigarettes so we can fix her. But they're never even around. From Thursday to Sunday every week since I was 15. Raising myself four days a week like what the fuck is that.

It doesn't matter. I get the biggest house, the best room and all the spending money for drugs a growing teen needs.

I make my way down the stairs and out the front door. Then walk my ass to school anxiously dragging on a cigarette as I think about the night before.

What the hell where we even doing down in those caverns. I was so off my face i just followed. I always just follow others. God maybe I wish i was a little more there, a little less spaced out. Maybe then I'd have a clearer idea of what happened.

I'll just have to ask the others. Who was there. Max for one, he found the entrance. Thought it'd be fun to explore and everyone always follows Max after all. Peter was there to. The annoying timid kid, hardly talks and still gets on your nerves. He touched the weird rock thing. Zoey the new girl, and a couple others. God a whole crowd to chase after.

It only takes me 20 minutes walking to reach the school. The place is ancient. Old shacks still stand In place from the towns logging routes, now repurposed as small classrooms, separate from the newer school buildings. The school stays fenced off while the oval remains public. A fenced undercover court separating the oval from the rest of the school. The whole left side of the school next to the oval is wetlands. Great place to sneak out and skip classes.

I can see Brittany on the other end of the oval waving to me. I walk right over to her. Shes got long straight black hair and olive skin. She's taller then me by a good couple inches and I'm no shortie either.

"Hey girl how are you surviving after last night?" She only reminds me of how much my head aches.

"Yeah I was fucked up." I fake a chuckle. God it's fucking cold this morning. I want another smoke already but I gotta save my last two.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh, oh yeah. Sorry what'd you say." Shit, I spaced out Brittany was talking.

"I said how much you drink last night?"

"Oh nothing."

"What? Then what you mean you were fucked up?"

"Huh." Fuck I'm so distracted what am I even saying right now.

Suddenly I feel a hand grab my shoulder and an arm reach over to grab my other. I'm startled but turn around to see Max.

Smile Part 1Where stories live. Discover now