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It's Tuesday, we fell in the cave Sunday and I still haven't got powers. Were all just sitting in after school class, except River as usual.

The after school class holds all seven of us. I got in there cause the school councilor started to get suspicious of my behavior and how my uncle treats me. I never told them anything. But I came to school with bruises so they had to try something.

I don't belong in it. Rick gets into fights all the time that's why he's in, River skips all her classes, Charlotte's a full blown addict. I'm in a troubled youth program and I mind my own business doing nothing wrong.

We all hardly know each other. Some of us don't even like each other. We're connected only by this class. Yet somehow all of us were at the same party and followed each other into the same cave like a group of explorers. I normally keep to myself but Max has been opening me up to people, forcefully. Though most of the company may not be good it may still have payed off.

The chance to get super powers. To be special. I've always dreamt of such a thing but it's only ever been a dream and I knew that but now it could actually happen. I wonder what I might get. Flight, Teleportation, Super speed. I could end up getting them all. After all I was the only one able to touch the stone. Max and Rick tried but for some reason couldn't, they still could have been pranking all that. What if I get no powers and everyone else does? I don't think I could handle that. It wouldn't be fair I touch the stone to give them powers.

"Hey Peter, permission slip my g." Max slaps down a sheet of paper in front of me that snaps me out of my train of thought.

"What for?" I say looking towards the sheet.

"Weren't you listening? Camp this weekend."

A camp, is that what the after school class provides now? They seriously think it's safe sending troubled kids out camping. Max leans in close to my ear.

"River said she fell right through her bed this morning, like it wasn't even there. That's why she took of school today. We got to get these powers on lock before this camp." Max whispers in my ear.

My eyes widen and I can't help but feel a little excited hearing him say that. Another power, that's four out of seven. Getting closer surely I'm next.

"I have a place we can practice." I whisper back.

"Hell yeah, what kinda place."

"A train junkyard, nobody goes there and plenty of things to smash." I laugh a little.

"Alright I'll pick you and a couple others up after school, and we'll drive there together."

"Sounds good."

As he walks off I look to the permission sheet. Saturday night, MANDATORY CAMP! What the hell do they mean mandatory, what kind of troubled youth class is this. WILL GO TO OUR AFTER CLASS GRADE! This class has fucking grading systems, what is this shit.

Now I need to get my uncle to sign for this shit too, great....

Time passes through the day and I feel myself simply step through it like a zombie. My uncle treats me with no anger this time when I arrive home, actually excited to have me gone a day and the afternoon. As soon as I'm ready I just stand out the front waiting.

I wait for maybe half an hour just playing music, I thought it'd be faster. Finally Max comes down the road in a silver convertible with the roof tucked back. Clare's sitting in the back seat, shy and timid as always. Next to her is Charlotte she sitting on top the backseat, leaning on the back of the car and smoking a cigarette. That girl is gonna die of lung cancer soon I wouldn't be surprised.

Smile Part 1Where stories live. Discover now