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Today's camp day. It feels like the whole week just passed in a blur. Rivers still been ignoring the group since the junkyard. Most of us haven't really spoken. We're all just awkwardly sitting in after class. Waiting for Mr Jefferson to tell us all to throw our shit in the school bus.

"You ready for camp." Zoey says pulling the chair out next to me and sitting with a smile on her face.

"As ready as I can be I guess. Wonder if anyone's gonna get new powers."

"Let's just focus on the camp huh. Try have a good time."

"Yeah that's a good idea I guess."

"Alright everyone!" Mr Jefferson claps getting our attention. "Bags on the bus hope your all ready to go."

It's only one night. Should all go swimmingly. Max and Rick have pretty much complete control, Clare just has to make sure she doesn't use it. We just have to hope River doesn't fall through anything or no new ones pop up.

As we all load into the bus I look for a seat about halfway through and plop my bag at the window seat. Then sit down myself sliding my headphones up to my ears.

These headphones were the best and they never left my neck. The padding on them was comfortable on my ears, and it was the last thing my dad gave me, before, before him and mum had the car crash.

"Hey Pete this seat taken?" I hear Zoeys soft voice as I turn to face her.

"Uh." Shit, this bus rides like an hour and a half. Should I say yes. She seems pretty cool, but I can't talk to people that long. "Uh, yeah of course." Well shit locked in now Peter, don't say anything dumb or weird.

Zoey plops her bag down on the ground and crashes into the seat next to me. "You like sour stuff." She says turning to me and shoving a bag of sour lollies in my face.

"Uh yeah." I saw taking one from the bag.

"So." Zoey starts talking while chewing a large handful of lollies. "What are you into Peter? Feels like I hardly know you."

"Oh well Uh, I draw, and I like music alot." I'm nervouse as hell just talking to this girl. If it was just Max maybe then I'd be more ready but who knows what she'll ask next.

"You draw? Thats awesome! You excited for this camp?" She asks.

"Yeah kinda. I'm not really big on the outdoors normally." I shrug my shoulders and try to turn away.

"Whattttt. Come on everyone should be big on the outdoors. Nature is beautiful."

"Yeah it is I just don't get out much is all."

"Well now the weekend for it. All seven of us on camp for a night. It'll be a blast." Zoey says with a big smile on her face, I cant help but smile back.

I don't think Zoey's stressed out at all about the possibility of a new power popping up while on camp. The ones we know might be under control but there's still three of us that could get them.

The bus starts up and begins to drive. It's just the seven of us on the camp with the school counsellor/ youth program teacher Mr Jefferson.

"Hope your all ready for the best weekend of adventure ever!" Mr Jefferson shouts from the drivers seat.

His constant positivity is something that gets on your nerves. It's amazing how he can keep it with all the shitty teens he works with daily.

"Heck yeah!" Zoeys the only one to shout back and the rest of us sit in awkward silence.

I think it's cute how excited she is for the camp though. Makes me excited to no matter how shit it might end up being.

I listen to music for most the bus ride quietly looking out the window. Occasionly being interrupted to show off a drawing to Zoey or accept one of her sour lolly offerings.

Smile Part 1Where stories live. Discover now