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"Pssst. Hey, hey, you wake up." I hear Zoeys voice whispering into my ears. As my eyes crack open, I see her leaning right into my face.

"Shit Zoey, what time is it." I say, rubbing my eyes as Zoey backs away from my face.

"One of us missing." Zoey says with a strange tone of voice.

"What do you mean?"' I say confused. As I do, Zoey lifts up the tent curtain. I look out and see Peters tent open. The zipper door flying up in the wind shows his empty tent.

I step out of my tent as Zoey follows. "Were the fuck did Peter go?" I ask looking around the camp-site.

"Look. Footprints. This way." I turn to Zoey seeing her point to the ground. I turn my phone flash on, seeing strange thin round footprints trail away from camp into the bush.

Zoeys already following them at walking pace as I jog to catch up. She stays slightly ahead of me as I point my torch to show the path. Her face points straight, not even facing the footprints as she keeps a steady pace.

"Charlotte where are you going?" Suddenly I'm frozen in place when I hear Zoeys voice, but it's from behind me.

I look up seeing Zoey in front of me now standing still but looking forward.

I turn around quickly with my phone flash and see Zoey standing behind me. She looks confused, holding her phone light as well.

That's when I freak out, turning back around to face the other Zoey, but when I do, she's gone.

"Oh fuck no." I instantly turn back around fast walking back to the camp-site. "Zoey is that for real you?" I ask not knowing what to think anymore.

"Yes what do you mean, I went for a piss, what are you doing?"

"I saw someone. Someone who looked exactly like you. She woke me up and started leading me out until you shouted. Fucking Peters gone." It's not till the end of my freakout that Zoey and I remember Peter is actually missing. "I think, the second you might have taken him or something." Truthfully I have no idea what happened. But whatever I was following couldn't have been good.

"Fuck we have to go find him then." Zoey seems instantly more frightened, grabbing her bag quickly and pulling a pocket flip knife out of it. Damn whys a girl like her just carry that around.

"Your not just gonna run out are you? You heard what i said there was a second you." She can't seriously be planning to run out and chase this thing hoping to find Peter.

"Yeah I heard you if it's weird like that it might be to do with the powers. We have to help. So come with me." Zoey doesn't leave a second for me to decide before beginning to walk off straight away.

"Should we, w-wake anyone else up?" Before I can finish Zoeys already getting deep into the woods. "Fuck I should have stayed friendless." I fight every instinct not to and follow Zoey switching on my phone flash as we both begin to head into the trees.

Were following an almost impossible to notice path of small round footprints. Seems like the stupidest idea ever. Could be a random animal or a second one of us witch. What the fuck is even that.

"Zoey do we even know what we're following?" I whisper not sure what kind of attention I could attract.

"No, even the more reason to save Peter from it." Zoey says with a firm tone continuing on.

"God when did you start liking Peter so much."

"Were supposed to all have each other's back in this. If it's mystical, supernatural or dangerous doesn't matter, we gotta be together cause we're the ones in it now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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