Forced destroyers

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404: So which universe do you want to destroy first?

CW: I'll go with Outertale. You four take care of Birdtale and Storyshift while we're at it.

404: Um, maybe it's best if we do one universe at a time.

CW: We don't have time for that. Based on the internet information, there are like thousands rather than hundreds.

CW: I mean, based on your powerlevel, you're a lot stronger than me.

404: Yeah, you're right. I'll have the children to do so.

CW: Why not do it yourself?

404: I want them to see how strong are they now by the training.

404: But just in case you needed some help, you can travel with Goth.

CW: But what is he even gonna do?

404: Did you ever pay attention about their conversation?

404: If they see their child with strangers, they're gonna kill us.

CW: And you're just gonna hand me over the god of death?!

404: Yes. Deal with it.

404: I'll go with Birdtale first though and then, I'll go destroy Storyshift.

CW: Fine.

Goth: Are you okay, CW?

CW: I'm fine, kid.

CW: Let's go test your new powers.

404 enters to Birdtale and sees someone wearing a white jacket.

404: It can't be. . .

Alpha: I've been waiting for you, brother.

404 rushes to Alpha and hugs him.

404: Adam! It's really you!

Alpha: Forgive me, 404.

404: About what?

TAO: About this.

TAO pulls out a tranquilizer gun and shoots it at 404.

404 collapses and TAO hostages PJ and Palette with Alpha.

Changed weaponry: The bad endingWhere stories live. Discover now