03 - Big Time Party

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To a point, the ensuing concert wasn't much to write home about. Even Gustavo, who would normally be at his most critical after one of their performances, stayed relatively silent, mumbling something about them being "passable".

Despite him even seeing that a few of their routines were imperfect, he didn't comment on it himself and instead let Kelly do it with what he would call her "sugar-coated nonsense" about them putting on a great performance considering the fact that they'd just gotten beaten up hours earlier.

The heavy-set producer would never admit it aloud (he wasn't about to jump up and down and clap like some cheerleader for a quartet of sixteen-year-old kids, as he had his pride), but that was...respectable.


On the boys' end, they had barely gotten off the stage before Carlos had his beloved helmet back on and was rushing off to follow up with Karin about the corn dog buffet, not realizing that he was about to collide with two women walking by in the process until it was too late.

One of them, specifically a shorter, lighter blonde with two distinctive long ponytails and a subtle yet visible facial scar, gripping his shoulders, stopping his momentum dead in its tracks. The woman spoke with a strong British accent far more refined than Birdie's.

"What the...?" What's with you?!"

Her eyes narrowed as she got a better look at him.

"Wait a minute... Weren't you just on stage a little while ago?"

Before he could answer, the other three caught up. The bigger guy of the group pulled him back slowly.

"Sorry, miss... He's ours."

"Yeah, I figured," she said flatly, rolling her eyes.

The taller, darker blonde woman was far more jubilant, however.

"I loved your show! It was really, really funny!"

The band exchanged confused looks. James scratched the back of his head.

"Funny? That's not the reaction we usually get..."

Logan shrugged a little bit. "This isn't exactly our usual clientele, either."

He was right. The vast majority of their audience this time consisted of adults with obviously different priorities (and apparently fighting careers, since the party was full of fighters, true to the hostess's proclivities). In fact, the only person who they could see reacted like the expected teenage girls that they saw was Ibuki, who was probably too busy drooling over their very existence to even hear their singing.

Moving along rather awkwardly, the boys introduced themselves.

"Cammy. Cammy White."

The woman seemed rather uncomfortable even in giving her name, her posture rigid and stiff. The smile she tried to give didn't quite reach her eyes.

"My name's Juni!" The other one was much more enthusiastic to meet the group, waving excitedly.

"Nice to meet you, Cammy. Juni," Logan said politely, but before (or rather, as) two of the bandmates were following suit...

"You ever had a corndog before?"

Carlos Garcia, if he was a master at anything, was certainly one at making things a hundred percent more awkward.

Cammy didn't look as if he wanted to dignify what the Latino had blurted out with a response. Juni had no such qualms.

"Well, according to the people back at the home, I don't get out much, and Cammy's part-..."

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