06 - Big Time Great Escape

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Out in the hallway...

The massive halls of the Estate were quieter than usual due to the lack of after the attack. Still, there were a few ninjas on guard.

The men and women exchanged nothing but a language of hard looks and long stares at each other as they staffed their posts on high alert.

It was an utter miracle, then, that the boys evaded their notice.

Carlos, James, and Logan let the smallest grunts of exhaustion and exertion slip from their mouths as they struggled to carry their sleeping cargo.

He had it so easy.

Moving from pillar to pillar and from different types of cover like samurai armor and fireworks equipment, they narrowly evaded capture...

...until their luck inevitably ran out.

It was at a conference room they were hiding out in. They were all hiding under a couple of tables that were large enough for them to duck under.

The Latino suddenly looked at the other two awake ones with a very worrying expression. It looked like...

"Hold it in, Carlos!"

The pretty boy was almost pleading in his whispered voice. "Don't do it, man. Not when we're so close!"


Despite herculean effort on his part, it happened.


As if that loud over-dramatic sneeze wasn't enough, it was hard enough to make a smaller noise...come out of the other end.

"Gross..." Kendall mumbled.

"Seriously?!" Both Logan and James hissed. The boy at fault just shrank back and shrugged as much as he could've from his position.



Two ninjas, one male, one female, eyed them, with the former having cleared his throat.

"Yes...?" All three harmonized and got out under the table with their leader in tow, seeing that the jig was up.

"You're not supposed to be here," the woman said before her counterpart spoke, closing his eyes as he did so.

"Allow us to escort you back..."

The woman opened her eyes to see puffs of smoke where the two boys once were. Logan (trying to carry Kendall) was the only one left in the dust.


The pair blinked at the remaining boy, who looked at them with an apology written all over his face.

"Sorry...uh... I'd come quietly, but I promised I-"

"Just go. We'll give you a head start for your honesty."

Even the smart boy was shocked at this turn of events. "Wait. Really?!"

The nod he got gave him all the incentive necessary to get going as quickly as he could.

Even his partner couldn't believe what he'd just said. Are you trying to get us fired, you fool?"

"What? We're much faster than some random kids, anyway. Besides, he seemed to have some more respect than those other guys, waiting for us and all that."

She sighed exasperatedly before turning around and running after them with him in tone.

They'd have to alert their comrades ASAP...

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