Wanning lets me live with him

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    Chu Wanning was never the type to live with someone, nor say one could. He preferred to be in a laxed, quiet space where he could focus on his own tasks and work.
     So the nerve of Mo Ran to ask his superior if he could share the one room apartment with Chu Wanning was absurd! To think he was such a thick-skulled person he wouldn't even notice the innapropriate-ness (is that even a word..?) of the matter.
Xue Meng, a poor bystander, was shocked beyond words. Even this fire head could notice the audacity.
"Y-you can't just ask Chu-Da* that!" Xue Meng always had respect for Chu Wanning, but Chu Wanning didn't like being treated like an old man, so he told Xue Meng to at the very least add "-Da" at the end.
    Mo Ran however showed his respect by actions, not names. Chu Wanning found that disrespectful and tried over and over again to tell Mo Ran to add "-Da" at the end like Xue Meng, though he never listened. So he eventually gave up.
    "I'm always at Wanning's house anyways, whats new? Sure, a few more groceries and such but I can pay for that too. Its not like I'm a free-loader," began Mo Ran, "So PLEASE, Wanning, will you let me live with you? I'm already the ripe-age of 22, and I won't have to depend on you for much! I'll make dinner for you, I'll do the laundry, I'll clean the dirty rooms, And I'll—"
    "Okay, okay! I get it!" Chu Wanning cut Mo Ran off. It was like he was trying to become a house maid. A poor puppy willing to do any tricks to be taken in.
    Chu Wanning already wasn't opposed to it. He would love to see his beloved, his forever lasting love every morning. Of course he would never admit to that, though. His pride might as well go off the walls if so.
    "Yes, yes. You may live with me. That way, I can check on the work you do so you stay in line." Chu Wanning used the excuse of labor-torture to make sure he wouldn't rid his pride.
    Xue Meng was shocked. His jaw dropped, slightly suprised slightly jealous. He had always wanted to be as close as his cousin and mentor were. This poor one, looking like a defeated animal. Anyone could look at him and pity him thoroughly.
    Mo Ran on the other hand was on cloud nine. He kept his composure on the outside, though in the inside he wanted to right then and there give a huge kiss to Chu Wanning. Sadly, he could never do that. The mere thought had scared him. The last thing Mo Ran wanted was a punch in the face. Or even worse, his ability to have children would be no more.
    "Thank you, Wanning! I promise to treat you well and do as you ask!"
    "Mo Ran, you dog, what are you saying? You're not giving a love confession, you're just moving in with him! Calm down and go pack your things so you won't make Chu-Da wait." Xue Meng tried making Mo Ran leave so he would have time with his mentor alone, however Mo Ran had other ideas.
    "Don't worry, Xue Meng! I won't make Wanning wait. I already have all my things packed." He gleamed brightly.
    Again. The AUDACITY on this man! What other things did he have prepared, his wedding suit?!
    "Impudent." Chu Wanning spoke.
    He shook his head and wavered at Mo Ran. "Gather your things, then. My car is clean, and luckily I can drive today*. Let's go, Mo Ran."
    Mo Ran agreed, said his goodbyes to Xue Meng, his uncle (who wasn't even involved in the conversation at all) and his room.
    From there on, Chu Wanning and Mo Ran lived together.

* "-Da" is a prefix meaning eldest. Chu Wanning in this AU is closer than in the original story, therefore being okay with this prefix used.
* In China (now this may have been an outdated article I read) you can only drive on specific days of the week depending on your liscense plate

Word Count: 703

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