The Couch is cold, Wanning is warm

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    "Eh? Impudent?" Mo Ran really couldn't think of how this question was of disrespect. There was one room after all, and the couch was quite small. Where else would he go?
    "Yes, impudent. Think before you speak."
    "But I did. The couch is firm and cold, plus I cannot lay down on it without curling into a ball. This venerable one thought that Wanning might spare the bed...?"
    Chu Wanning gazed at the couch, each second more scornful. The tips of his ears got pink. Mo Ran, intently watching him, had noticed. He had learned to look for the small things that that, especially because Chu Wanning was hot-headed and too prideful.
    Mo Ran had learned to eye this man, yet had learned to realize his words right away. Mo Ran pondered what had made his teacher's ears flutter.
    {...All I did was ask if we could share the—}*
    Mo Ran's cheeks glistened a light pink, and if not for his tanned skin his face would've been swarmed with red.
    "Ah, apologies. This venerable one realizes his mistake. I'll sleep on the couch, no worries, Wanning." Mo Ran went to his boxes and pick up one by one to put them in a nearby closet. He left one out, opened its cartage, and pulled out a medium sized quilt made by his aunt. It was a navy blue, with hints of gold and white patterns scattered. It matched Mo Ran perfectly.
    Chu Wanning stood there, watching Mo Ran put his items away and making his bed on the couch. The feeling of guilt—once again— had engulfed Chu Wanning's throat, but so did his pride. Mo Ran wasn't wrong, there truly wasn't enough space for him on the couch. But neither was there for himself..
    "Mo Ran.." Chu Wanning began.
    "Yes?" Mo Ran stopped his actions and looked at Chu Wanning.
    Chu Wanning hadn't admitted to his selfish wanting due to his dignity, but he did really want Mo Ran to share a room with him. Chu Wanning shook off the feeling and blamed it souly that Mo Ran couldn't fit on the couch.
    "You may sleep in the same room, however, any fault you do I will kick you out and you will have to sleep on the couch."
    Mo Ran smiled and shook his head. For some reason, he had felt that wasn't what Chu Wanning was feeling. Though, better to ignore it than to ponder more. Still, he wanted to tease a little.
    "I'm pleased you said yes, Wanning."
    "How come?"
    "Because the couch is cold, and Wanning is warm."
    Chu Wanning's pheonix eye's glazed with fire, and both his ears were bright red. Highly noticeable.
    "Mo Weiyu!" Chu Wanning tsk-ed and stommped to his room, slamming the door.
    {Never said I couldn't sleep in there~} Mo Ran thought again, teasing Chu Wanning quietly. He chuckled, and off all the blankets in his made up made and stuffed them in the box, straight to the closet.
    Mo Ran stretched, slightly tired from all the moving in such a short span of time. {What time is it?} Mo Ran looked at the clock above the TV in the living room.
    5:30, it ticked.
    "Ah, maybe I'll make Wanning and I dinner."
    Mo Ran had cooked here many times for Chu Wanning, so luckily he knew where everything was. He whipped on his apron and started to cook.
    The air was filled with a sweet and savory fume. Mo Ran had placed two bowls, one sweet for Chu Wanning. It had a creamy broth base, gazed with milk and oil. The noodles were thick and shiny, boiled to perfection in the broth. Chicken layered perfectly on the side, crunchy and browned.
    The other bowl was for Mo Ran, Crimson and thick. It was so spicy not even the milk mixed within could save the deep color.
    Mo Ran walked up to Chu Wanning's room {Well, our room} he thought, and knocked on the door.
    "Wanning, I made dinner!"
    Mo Ran waited, yet no reply. He sighed, and sat down at the table alone. He knew Chu Wanning would arrive, so he gave it time and waited.
    Chu Wanning really was making too much of a fuss, but what Mo ran said earlier could not escape his mind. He had come out of that room two hours later to find a sleeping Mo Ran, head propped up on his arms at the dinner table.

*Because I have not found a way to write in italics or such, I will use "{}" for thoughts for the time being. If theres any way to use italics or bolds someone please tell me!

Word Count: 782

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