Chapter 3: The Truth

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Eileen's eyes flickered open. What? Blinking once then again, she glanced behind her. A car stopped where she would have been splattered. A window rolled down. "Are you two ok?"

You two?

Her gaze snapped up.

"Yeah, we're fine." The coffee stain man replied. As the car pulled away, those gray eyes snapped back down to her again. "Don't they teach you to look both ways before you cross the street?"

Before she could reply, Loreen's frantic voice shattered the silence. "Eileen, are you ok?"

At her mentor's worry, Eileen swallowed. "Yes, I'm fine." Thanks to this stranger. There was no doubt in her mind that the car would have hit her.

Loreen glanced at the man. "Thank you." She glared back at Eileen. "Are you out of your mind? Just run into the street, why don't you?"

Eileen grimaced. "I'm sorry. I got distracted."

Loreen's eyes narrowed to slits. With a sigh, she pulled Eileen into a tight hug. "I'm glad you're ok. Also, I'm calling Ursus so he can take you home."

"What? No you can't!" When it came to her health, Ursus was a constant worrier. Whether it was something small like a cold or something big like an accident, he fret over everything. At first she had thought it was sweet, but there were times where he seemed so terrified of losing her that she couldn't help but worry for him.

"Excuse me." The man spoked. "Did you say Ursus?"

"Yeah." Eileen's gaze snapped to him. The guy you strangely look similar too. "Do you know him?"

Holding up his wrist, the man tapped the screen. "This man?" She leaned forward. Sure enough, there was Ursus laughing as the man had him in a head lock while ruffling his hair.

"You know where he is?" The man's eyes glowed. "You know where my brother is?" His brother?

But...Eileen frowned. He told me he didn't have any family. Wait...She frowned. "You followed me to the hospital."

"I did."

At least he wasn't denying it.

Before she could reply, a car came rushing into the emergency lane. Her eyes widened when Ursus leaped out. Ursus? She glanced at Loreen who looked just as startled. So she didn't call him but how....

"Eileen!" He took a step toward her. "Are you..." He trailed off at the sight of his brother.

For a minute neither of them spoke. Her gaze snapped between the two of them before they landed on Ursus. "He said he was your brother."

Ursus's jaw clenched. "What are you doing here?"

"Me?" He stepped forward. "What are you doing here? We haven't heard from you for a year! Do you have any idea how worried we were?"

Ursus chuckled bitterly. "Don't act like dad or mom was worried about me." His eyes glowed. "We both know they could care less about me."

Eileen glanced between the two of them again. What was going on? Ursus' gaze snapped to her then back at Pavel. A small sigh left his lips, before he gestured to the car. "We need to talk in the car."

The car?

"Why can't we just talk here?" She muttered.

Ursus's gaze snapped to Loreen. "Because we need to talk-" His eyes landed on his brother. "-alone."

His brother glared back for a second before he released a huff. He turned away from her. "I'll meet you guys back at your apartment."

Our apartment?

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