Chapter 16: Break In

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Eileen watched the people swim and dive with their turtles. Already the ointment was working wonderfully, bringing new energy and life to the lame turtles. Songs, harmonies, merged between turtles and Acerons. A large white turtle leaped up from the depths, creating glistening diamonds from the water's droplets.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Donovan questioned. Asuria leaned against his chest, one hand on her Archeon's shell and the other on her bump. "There's no telling what you two will face when you reach the castle."

"No." Ursus shook his head. "Your arm needs to heal and they need you to guide them to warmer waters." His hand grabbed Eileen's. "We'll be fine."

Still Donovan's reluctance had him hesitating, until Asuria grabbed his hand. "They'll be fine." Her eyes softened. "I know they will."

Eileen smiled. "Thank you for the vote of confidence, Asuria." Despite their short time together, she had grown fond of the Aecoran. Donovan sighed. "You two have proven me wrong on more than one occasion." His eyes softened. "When you do find your brother, let him know the Aecorans will gladly accept him as king."

"He'll be happy to hear that." Eileen squeezed Ursus's hand. She heard the worry in his voice. A cry broke free before the ground beneath them moved.

Navvin snorted and glanced at the two of them with impatience. "Seems like your ride is ready to go." Donovan held out a hand, earning a quick nuzzle from the turtle. "Keep them, then return straight back to me." With a chirp, Navvin shot through the water.

The force knocked her back into Ursus who wrapped his arms around her. The turtle glided through the waves like butter. The droplets pelted her face as her hands shot up. "Whoo!" This is amazing! Navvin dashed through a large wave, spraying droplets everywhere. Good thing we still have some mucus.

"Eileen." She looked up at Ursus. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"I was thinking that if she knew about the fail-safes and me then chances are they know about the code." His frown deepened. "I think she took Pavel since he's the only one that may know how to activate it." He looked down at his tracker. "If she does then there's no telling what she could make me or the other hybrids do."

His eyes softened. "She could very well start the next hybrid war."

"That's not going to happen." Eileen grabbed his hand. "Not on my watch." They were going to stop her one way or another. Leaning forward, Ursus' forehead pressed against hers. It was then she noticed Pavel's watch.

"You said Pavel could deactivate it right?"

"Yeah, but only his thumb print would be the only one to activate it." Eileen grabbed Pavel's watch. She flipped it left then right before she frowned. "Remember when you were in the dungeon?"


"Well, Pavel gave me temp access, remember. It was how I was able to open up the bars." She pulled out her bag. "And if I'm right, he had used my scanner last to analyze the fungi sample so if I can just..." She pulled out her scanner. "Hold this." Ursus held the scanner as she applied the last of the mucus to her fingers. With careful movements she pressed the mucus to the scanner and then to the watch. I hope this works...

"Yes!" The screen flickered. "It worked!" A hologram shifted and flickered to light as various codes raced across the sky in symbols. "What's what?"

"She's activating the code!" Ursus tapped a symbol, pulling up another screen. With quick work, he typed in a long password before his tracker red light vanished"There, it's deactivated." He glanced down at it. "And now that I don't have to worry about this..." His gaze met hers. "I have a plan."


As the giant cliffs grew larger and larger, Navvin swam as close to the edge as he could. At his chirp, Eileen's gaze met Ursus's. "You ready?" At his nod, she climbed onto his back. As he inched toward Navvin's flipper, the waves rumbled. A surprise yelp left Eileen's lips as Ursus lunged.

"Ugh!" His hands dug into the rocks, while some pieces fell to the sea below. Eileen's own jaw clenched at the familiar burning pain in her arms. Don't let go. Do not let go! With a grunt, Ursus started up. Just like in Lumanora, she felt his muscles tensed with each movement, pushing them higher and higher. "Almost there." He grunted. As they reached the top, she climbed off and helped him over.

He collapsed to his knees. His body trembled as a tired sight left his lips. "You have the portal orbs?" Sifting through her pack, she pulled out the two Donovan gave them. "Here."

"Toss them up."

With a grunt, Eileen threw them into the air. They glowed a bright light before they started to spin around and around. "With two we can get into the city, near the castle." Typing a few more holographic symbols the portal widened. "But first we need to figure out where to teleport. She could have the whole place crawling with guards."

"What about the dungeon?"

Ursus's eyes widened. "Of course, the servant's entrances!" His gaze snapped to her. "Whenever I spent time in the dungeon, Pavel would use the servant paths to sneak me out!"

Eileen's lips parted. "I...don't know if I find that heartwarming or actually sad."

"Maybe both at this rate." He chuckled. "Anyways, after you." Eileen glanced toward the portal. Inhaling, she eased through. Hopefully, this won't backfire horribly.


The familiar stench of the lobby greeted her nose. Eileen fought a recoil as she glanced around the dark, damp location. Other than the flicker of the walls, there was no light, no sounds, no guards.

"It's clear." She jumped. Ursus! He smiled sheepishly at her glare. The moment was short lived when coughing echoed through the dungeon. Their gaze snapped to one of the corner cells. "Pavel!" Ursus raced toward his brother. Hanging from the walls by chains, blood covered his face in about cuts and abrasions. His nose was clearly sideways and his lips was busted. His clothes were ripped and shredded, as if he had been whipped.

"Pavel!" Ursus grabbed the bars. "Pavel!"

Pavel's eyes flickered open. "Ursus?" He coughed. Eileen's heart turned at the blood that coated his lips. He's in really bad shape. A snarl snapped her gaze to Ursus. His skin glowed as his hands gripped the bar tightly. "I'm getting you out of there!" The bars groaned under his force until with a sickly snapped, the hinges broke.

"Ursus, they're going to hear us!" Eileen hissed. She rushed toward Pavel. "We need to move now!"

With little difficulty, Ursus snapped the chains. Eileen caught Pavel as he dropped. A groan left his lips as his chest wheezed. Her eyes met Ursus's. "He's in really bad shape." A creak snapped their gaze up. Her gaze met Ursus just as footsteps pounded down the stairs.

"What's going on down here?" One of the guards asked. Mismatched eyes scanned the room, taking notice of the broken bars. His gaze snapped to the others. "Go tell the queen that they're here." As the other hurried off, the guard stepped into the empty cell.

His eyes study the wall where the prince had been. Other than the blood, there was no sign that anyone else had been here. His lips twisted into a scowl. "What-" A hand snapped over his mouth before something struck his head, knocking him unconscious. 

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