Chapter 8: Lumanora

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Lumanora was a fantasy village in the trees. Houses were clumped together similar to mushrooms along thick trunks. Branches and vine bridges lead up and down among the various clusters. The most beautiful part however was the bioluminescent flowers and insects that decorated the walls and bridges.

"It's beautiful."

Her words earned a small smile from the woman. "Thank you. It's my home."

With that, she approached one of the trunks and headed up. As Ursus approached, Eileen examined the bark. It was sharpened into a point with jagged edges along the side.

"Hold on, love."

"Wait, what about the edges?"

Grabbing the bark, Ursus pushed himself up. "Quies' hands are tough enough to climb up without being cut. Pavel and Donovan should have special gloves on."

She glanced down to see he was right. Oh ."That must add a layer of protection then."

The woman grunted. "The human is smarter than she looks."

"I have a name, you know."

"I know, and I don't care."

Eileen's annoyance flared. Are all the Quies this rude? Donovan's chuckle earned a glare from her. Reaching the top, Ursus eased over the railing with little trouble. Turning, he helped Pavel and Donovan up, though the latter was reluctant to accept.

"My father will be at the top of the trees in the meeting house." The woman gestured for them to follow. "Come, I will take you to him."

Easing herself off Ursus, Eileen followed behind. The Quies people reminded Eileen of cats in the way that they moved. Always alert and aware of their surroundings, while styled in the camouflage of the forest.

Bzzt! EIleen ducked her head. "What was that?" The insect landed on a branch nearby. "Is that a giant dragonfly?"

The woman nodded. "We use dragonflies to deliver messages around the forest, and we use Arthropleura to import and export goods to other villages." Her eyes darkened. "This is why we need to get rid of the fungi. Without our Arthropleura, we'll starve."

"Any idea how the fungi could have spread this quickly?" Pavel pulled up some holographic notes. "From my notes alone, the fungi isn't even supposed to be in this region."

"We think someone may have brought it. Who? We're still not sure."

Eileen staggered to the side as one of the Arthropleura came crawling down a trunk. It slowed its approach as a low clicking noise left its mandibles. Rearing up, its head nudged against the woman's like a dog nuzzling its owner.

Ursus's hand against her back kept Eileen from scattering. As the creature went on its way, Eileen kept her distance.

"Still," Pavel continued. "Even if they brought it, the fungi shouldn't have taken over that quickly."

Donovan frowned. "Could it have been genetically modified to spread faster?"

"That's possible." Pavel met the woman's gaze again. "Do you have a sample?" At her nod, he turned to Eileen. "Get your scanner out of your backpack. It has a small little molecular tube that can break down and analyze organic compounds and poisons."

Pulling out her scanner, Pavel took it. "Alright, lead the way." As they continued up to the top of the trees, the shops and homes thinned out. Soon there was nothing but a single large court style hut on a large platform.

A man stood up at their entrance. "Etta, there you are." He was decked out in leaves, forest leaves, and flowers styled in that of a village chief. "I heard your patrol was eventful."

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