Love Crazy

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A beep echoed through the hallway as I swiped the electronic keycard to Anthony's penthouse. I had to somewhat threaten the front guy at the front office to make me a copy of the key but that doesn't matter. As soon as the door unlocked, I aggressively swung the door open. It swung so hard it made a loud thud as it hit the wall.

Me: Anthony!

I shouted, causing his security guards to jump up.

"Ms.Rockwell, what are you doing?"

They all asked as I began looking for Anthony like a mad man.

They followed me all around the penthouse as I searched for Anthony. Now this search for Anthony was not easy. Not only had I never been to this house before, this penthouse sits at the very top of this one hundred story building and is a whopping fifteen thousand square feet.

With six bedrooms and eight bathrooms, I had a lot of looking to do. I looked in every bedroom, bathroom, closet, under every piece of furniture, in the kitchen, I even went out to the balcony that's connected to the main bedroom, but I couldn't find Anthony.

I placed my hands on the glass balcony rail and put my head down as I felt my emotions begin to take over. The urge to cry began to emerge. I'd been looking for him all day. I just wanted to talk to him and see him.

Not being able to find him made me feel so defeated. Before I knew it, tears were flowing down my face. I picked my head up and wiped my tears away. After wiping my tears, I turned around.

Anthony's security guards were telling me to calm down while also catching their breaths. I took a few deeps breaths, attempting to calm myself while trying to figure out what to do next. I looked up while pondering over my next move. And that's when one word rang through my head, rooftop.

The second that word entered my brain, I knew exactly what to do. I started running. Anthony's security guards followed after me as I ran out of the front door and went left towards the elevator.

I never thought that I'd be running down a hallway in six inch stilettos, a short, red, body con, spaghetti strap dress, with eight security guards screaming and running after me at one in the morning, but here I was. I got to the elevator and pushed the button a million times. When it finally opened I hurried in and pressed to the button to the rooftop

. Luckily the ride up was short because I was tired of Anthony's guards telling me to stop and calm down. The elevator finally stopped and the doors opened. I was about to fly out of the elevator but stopped dead in my tracks.

The way the rooftop is set up, once you open the door at the top of the stairwell, you're met with two chairs seated in front of the elevator, two big couches on the sides, two chairs on the opposite side of the other chairs, and a giant flat screen sat on top of the entertainment center that sat between the two chairs.

Behind The TV sits a large pool with a jacuzzi connected to it. Lined up on either side of the pool sat lounge chairs with two in pool chairs sitting in the pool. Behind the pool is the bar, personal restaurant, and dining / eating area.

Anthony sat in the first chair on the left, but that wasn't what made me stop in my tracks. I stopped because five of his and I's business associates / friends were sitting on the couches and chairs. All of their security guards were standing around as well.

They were talking, drinking, and watching golf on the big screen TV. I wasn't expecting him to have company. The elevator doors opening made all of their heads turn to face me. As they all noticed me, they stopped talking.

A: Hi my love, come here. You look nice.

I picked up on his vibe, after all, nobody knew we'd been broken up for a month. Well, not broken up, more like we had a really bad argument that led to me storming out of our house and going to stay at my house and us not talking or seeing each other for a month. Either way it felt like we were broken up.

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