Closing Up Shop

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"Bye, I'll see you at your next appointment, drive safe!"

I said to my last client. She said bye back. After she pulled off I closed the door, locked it, and walked to grab the broom. I began sweeping all of the hair off of the floor by the shampoo stations. As I swept, I caught Byron staring at me three times. I ignored it, thinking we just kept accidentally making eye contact. But after I caught him for the fourth time, I had to address it.

Me: Do you see something you like?

I asked Byron in a sarcastic tone as I continued sweeping.

B: Actually, yes Kaillani, I do see something that I like.

He replied.

Me: Oh really? And what is that?

B: You.

He said in his deep voice which caused me to quickly turn around since I didn't want him to see that what he said made me smile. I knew he liked me, and I'm 99.99% sure he knew I liked him too. We'd been flirting with each other for the past few months but neither one of his ever made a move. Us being the only two people left in the salon this late at night gave the confidence I needed to be bold. I turned back around to face him.

Me: Well If you like me, then do something about it.

He just chuckled and shook his head as he stood
across the room from me, cleaning one of the mirrors.

Me: Exactly, scary ass.

I said in a playful tone.

B: Alright now, Keep playing with me and I'll show you.

Me: Okay so show then.

B: You're not even ready for all of that.

Me: See, here you go being scary.

B: I'm not scary, I just know you can't handle this so I'm trying to spare you.

Me: Oh I can definitely handle it with ease. You just can't handle me and that's why you're being pussy.

He looked at me with an "oh really?" face after I said that. We stared at each other for a few moments before I turned back around and got back to sweeping. I knew saying that would make him finally do something, and that is exactly what I wanted. There was a few more moments of silence before I heard him sit down the spray bottle he was holding on the counter followed by footsteps.

My heart pounded faster and faster as I heard him get closer with each footstep. A gasp left my mouth as he suddenly grabbed the back of my neck. I dropped the broom as he turned me around to face home. A wave of more shock and happiness came over me as he pressed his lips against mine. My mind couldn't believe it as our tongues introduced themselves to one another.

This is what I'd been wanting for months, but with neither one of us making a move, I thought It'd never happen. With his one hand still gripping the back of my neck, his other hand found its way to my ass and began slowly rubbing and massaging it as we continued making out. The combination of his hand on my ass with his tongue down my throat had my pussy drenching my panties. I rubbed my hands on his chest as he sucked on my bottom lip. He pulled his lips away.

His hand on my neck slid around to my throat while his other hand slid down a little lower from my ass to pull up my dress. We held eye contact as my dress came up. He turned me around with his hand still around my throat and my back now facing his front. Another gasp left my mouth as he smacked my ass. The smack was so hard and loud it echoed throughout the salon. He squeezed my ass before smacking it again.

B: Who's pussy? Hm? Who's scary?

He asked before smacking my ass again. I stayed silent as the stinging on my ass had me dazed.

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