Spotted At The Bar

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I turned my head to see that it was the bar tender trying to get my attention.

"This is from the gentleman at the end of the bar with the black long sleeve shirt on."

He said as he slid a drink in front of me. I moved my eyes up from the drink and in the direction he was pointing at. When my eyes stopped, they were definitely pleased. Locking eyes with the sexiest man I'd ever seen had my pussy throbbing instantly. I looked back at the bartender to thank him. After giving me a "you're welcome" he walked away and went back to doing his job.

My eyes immediately darted back over to the man, whose eyes were still on me. What took place for the next minute was the most seductive staring contest ever held. With both of us staring into each other's eyes, trying to see who was going to make the first move, things got intense quick.

The sight of him standing up, out of his seat, and heading towards me made my pussy throb harder. I turned sideways in my seat, that way I'd be facing him. I took a sip of my drink as he continued walking towards me.

" Do you like it?"

He asked as he was now standing directly next to me.

Me: Yes I do. It's strong and sweet, just the way I like it. Thank you...

"Spencer. My name is spencer."

He said while putting his arm on the back of my chair.

Me: Okay, well thank you for the drink Spencer. I appreciate it very much.

S: You're welcome...

I chuckled.

Me: Gianna. My name is Gianna.

I said while staring into his eyes.

S: You're welcome Gianna. A sexy name for a sexy lady.

I covered my face as I let out another chuckle.

Me: Thank you. You're very sexy yourself s...

S: ...Spencer.

Me: Spencer Spencer! I'm sorry, it takes me a while to remember names. I'll get used to it though.

S: Oh you don't have to get used to that name.

Me: And why is that?

I asked a bit confused.

S: Because I'll have you calling me daddy soon.

His voice got a bit deeper when he said that. I looked down and smiled before looking back up at him.

Me: Oh really?

S: Mhm.

Me: And uh...

I paused as I looked down, staring at his print.

Me: How are you going to do that?

I asked in a seductive tone as I looked back up at him. He put his other arm on the bar. He now towered over me while looking over every inch of my body.

S: I can show you better than I can tell you baby.

He said as he slid his hand up my thigh and squeezed it. That "baby" at the end of his statement and his hand on my thigh had me ready to get on my knees for him right then and there. In that moment, all I wanted was him.

Me: You're going to show me?

S: Yes ma'am.

Me: ...Okay, where?

He looked over his shoulder, near the bathroom area then back at me and leaned in close to my ear.

S: Meet me in the family bathroom in five minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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