Give Me Another Chance

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"Put the damn suitcases down Nicole."

Eric shouted at me. l ignored him as I put all the suitcases by the door. I put the suitcase in my hand down and turned to walk back upstairs. Eric followed me upstairs.

E: Baby, would you please just stop and listen to me, it's two thirty in the fucking morning where are you going to go?

He exclaimed. I continued to ignore him as I grabbed my last suitcase and took it downstairs. I grabbed my suitcases and bags and took them out to the car. I opened the trunk and started putting them inside. Eric continued to try to talk to me as I did.

E: Babe, just stop and fucking listen okay I said I'm sorry already what more do you want?

He asked in a frustrated tone. I slammed my bag down in the trunk and turned to face him.

Me: What more do I want, I don't even fucking ask you for much and you have the nerve to scream at me what more do l want, fuck you.

I said in the angriest voice i've ever spoken in. I was just so over him and everything to do with him. While I put the last few suitcases in the car, he continued to try to get me to talk to him. But then he got frustrated

E: Fine, go, you want to leave so bad just go, I don't care.

I turned to face him. I looked at him with an "I don't give a fuck" face. I shrugged my shoulders, I got the last bag in the trunk, and closed it. I grabbed my keys out of my jacket pocket, walked to the drivers front
seat door, and opened it. Eric ran over to me as I was about to close the door. He grabbed the top of the door and held opened it. He towered over me.

E: Okay okay baby wait please just listen okay don't go, I didn't mean it baby please just listen.

He pleaded.

Me: What Eric, what do you want?

I asked in an annoyed tone as I looked up at him.

E: All I want is for you to listen to me for a second okay that's it, just don't get in the car please.

I looked at him for a moment but decided I was leaving. I was over it. I went to sit down in the car. I wasn't paying attention and he snatched my car keys out of my hand.

Me: Eric stop give me my keys. I reached up to get them but he held them up high, knowing l couldn't grab them.

E: Only if you talk to me.

I just wanted me keys so I decided to just go along with him.

Me: Fine, talk.

The car door was still open. I stood with my back facing the front drivers seat and Eric stood in front of me.

E: Let's go in the house and talk.

He said in a soft tone. But I wasn't going for it.

Me: I'm not going back in the house with you. I said in a stern tone.

E: Okay can we at least talk in the car please?

Me: No, we either talk standing right here, or we don't talk at all.

E: Okay, we'll talk right here.

Me: You got ten minutes then I'm leaving.

E: Okay that's all I need baby.

He reached his arm out to grab me.

Me: Touch me and I will get in the car, drive off, and never speak to you again.

He moved his hand back.

Me: Now talk, you're down to nine minutes.

E: Okay baby look, I know things between us haven't been the best lately, but I don't want to just give up, whatever it is, I want us to work through it.

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