Opening The Club

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I was sweeping behind the couch in the third VIP section when I heard the front door open. Assuming it was one of my employees, I just continued sweeping.

"Hello Aryia"

A deep voice said, making me jump and drop the broom after letting out a slight scream. I turned around to see who it was. I calmed down a little when I saw it was Detective Winston and another detective. My calmness didn't last long as I knew trouble was coming.

D.W: Woah woah calm down, it's just me.

He said with a slight chuckle. I let out a few deep breaths.

Me: You scared the shit out of me. Have you ever thought of announcing yourself before scaring me?

D.W: I just did. How else am I supposed to announce myself?

Me: I don't know, maybe a "Police!" would help!

I said with attitude as I rolled my eyes.

D.W: You still got that same attitude.

He said while shaking his head and chuckling. I just rolled my eyes again.

Me: What are you doing here? And who's he? Where's your other partner?

I asked as I picked the broom back up.

D.W: Wow, you're full of questions today. Well to start my other partner retired, he is my new partner, Detective Scott, and I'm here because a little birdie told me you're back selling.

I froze mid sweep. How'd he know I was still selling? I set the broom aside as my mind went down the list of people that could've told, trying to figure it out who. As I was thinking, I realized It'd been silent for a minute. I looked up at detective Winston and automatically knew that he knew. But I couldn't admit it.

Me: What are you talking about?

I asked as I walked from behind the couch.

D.W: Come on Aryia, you know better than to bullshit with me.

Me: I'm not bullshitting with you, I don't know what you're talking about.

I said while still walking. As I was about to walk past him, he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

D.W: You don't know what I'm talking about?

Me: No!

I exclaimed.

D.W: So you're not back selling?

Me: NO!

D.W: Okay, so what is this?

He asked as he reached into my bra and pulled out my stash. My black, spaghetti strap tank top gave him easy access to it. I sighed as he held the stash in front of my face. I was silent as he continued asking what it was, trying to think of an excuse.

D.W: I'm going to ask one more time, what is this Aryia?

Me: Obviously, it's my stash.

D.W: Really? But I thought you weren't back selling?

Me: I'm not, I wasn't going to sell it.

A "really" expression came over his face.

D.W: Aryia, you and I both know you're just a seller, you don't do this shit.

I sighed again as I was running out of excuses.

D.W: You just don't learn do you, I should take you to jail right now.

Me: Then do it!

I exclaimed with a lot of attitude. Detective Winston looked at me with a semi shocked expression on his face. I was already so irritated and annoyed before they came in and detective Winston being on my ass was just making my attitude worse.

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