An Upset Enid, A Truthful Wednesday & A Comforting Yoko

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Enid's POV

"Thank you!" I say as the pharmacist passes me the bag of medications. There's quite a number of bottles in it. Ugh, Wednesday won't like that. I'm lucky if I can even get her to take Tylenol.

I make my way outside and notice it's finally begun to rain. I hope Wends is sleeping, she seemed so out of it.

I remember my side quest of stopping by to see Ajax and the anxiety hits my stomach. I don't want to hurt him, but I can't be with him if my heart is set on Wednesday. God, how on earth did I manage to get myself stuck in a love triangle? Such a cliché.

I finally reach the outside of his door and hesitate as I raise my hand to knock. Just do it, Enid. I let out a deep breath. Just as my fist meets the door, it sways open. That's weird, he never leaves it unlocked and open like this?

"Ajax? Are you in there?" I call out. No response. "Ajax? Hello?" I try again, louder this time. I don't hear anything, not even any movement or water running in the bathroom.

I walk deeper into his room, noticing that it's empty— As in cleared-out-packed-up empty. What the hell? Panic starts to set in. I pull my phone out to call him.

"Hi! You've reached Ajax, please leave a message!" Ugh. Where could he have gone?! This is so random!

I pace the room searching my brain for any sort of clues or memories that would give reasoning to why Ajax is gone. Then it hits me.

Wednesday started acting weird when I mentioned going and seeing Ajax. And then she sent me out to get medications for her that I know she's going to fight me on taking anyways? Something isn't right.

I need to get back to our room. She HAS to know something.

Wednesday's POV

I'm awoken by the sudden slamming of the door to the dorm being thrown open. "Wednesday?! Why is Ajax gone?! What did you do!" Enid yells.

How the hell does she know? "Elaborate?" I say. She strides over to stand over me in bed.

"I went to see Ajax like I told you I was going to, and he's gone. Just packed up and gone! He didn't say a single thing to anyone about leaving. He won't answer his phone. And the only clue I have is how you started acting weird when I brought him up earlier. Not to mention sending me to get your meds that I know damn well you arent even going to take! Seems pretty suspicious!" Enid yells, throwing the bag of medications onto the foot of my bed.

There's no sense in lying. "I sent him away. You're right. But he was going to hurt you once you tried breaking up with him. I couldn't let that happ-" I start, but am cut off.

"How did you know I was going to break up with him?" Enid questions. Tears are forming in her eyes. Please don't cry, Enid, please.

I open my mouth to speak, but am cut off once again. "Your vision... You saw something, didn't you? When we were leaving the infirmary?" Enid whispers.

I nod, lowering my gaze. I can't stand to see her upset. She doesn't deserve to be in pain.

Enid sighs, putting her face into her hands. "I didn't want things to be complicated like this. I didn't want him to have to leave Nevermore, Wends!" She cries, the tears falling at full force now.

"It was the only way. He was going to hurt you." I say with a twinge of disdain.

"You could've told me what you saw! You could've talked with me! We could've figured out a better way to approach him!" Enid yells. Why is she so bent out of shape over him being gone if she doesn't have feelings for him anymore?

"Why is this such a big deal? You don't have feelings for him anymore, or so you claim." I say, standing to meet her gaze face-to-face. She pauses.

"I.... I don't know. I don't feel anything for him anymore, yes, but that doesn't mean I think he should've left Nevermore. He was a good student, he was set on a good path for his future. And you made him throw that away!" She says, tears falling once again.

I don't know how to go about dealing with this. I can see her reasoning, but I also know Ajax would've crossed a line once the news came out that Enid wanted to break up. My head feels like it's reeling. I don't enjoy emotional turmoil like this.

"I— We... Will deal with this tomorrow. Okay? I need some rest. It will get sorted out Enid." I respond, taking a seat back on my bed. Enid sniffs and wipes her nose.

"You promise?" She asks.
"Yes, Enid, I promise." I say softly.

Enid smiles and wipes the tears off her cheeks. "So... Your vision... What all exactly did it show you? Like... Did it show WHY I broke up with him, or....?" Enid prods.

Is she wondering if I know for certain that I'M the 'someone else'? Maybe I truly am if she's questioning me on what I saw.

But I didn't see for sure in my vision who she was referring to. It's just a feeling I have. I can't say for sure. I think it would be best to wait for Enid to tell me herself.

"No, it didn't. Just that there's 'someone else' in the picture that you have feelings for. Didn't specify who." I say flatly. I lay back down and pull the covers up over my chin.

"Oh, okay. Alright... Well, I'll let you sleep. Sweet dreams, Wends." Enid says. "I'm going to go over to Yoko's to give you some peace and quiet. I'll see you later."

She leaves the dorm, softly shutting the door. I let out a huge sigh. Why can't you just tell her how you feel, Addams? When did you become so weak?

I pull the covers over my head, hoping to fall back into the serenity that is the darkness of slumber.

Enid's POV

I walk down the hall to Yoko's dorm, feeling tears threatening to fall again. I try my best to hold them in.

I reach my destination and give a knock on the door. "One sec!" I hear Yoko call. There's a few footsteps before the door swings open.

"Hey E!... You okay?" Yoko immediately notices something is off. The question alone is enough to make the tears fall.

"Oh, hey! Enid come here, it's alright." She whispers, pulling me in for a hug. The tears turn into full fledged sobbing once I feel someone's embrace around me.

Yoko walks me into the dorm room and closes the door. She leads me over to sit on the bed, her arms not leaving me. I cry and cry and cry until there's nothing left.

"I'm sorry Yoko, I'm so sorry I'm such a mess." I stutter, my breath catching on every other word.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize alright? Everyone has their moments. You wanna talk about it?" She says calmly, stroking my hair.

Everybody needs a Yoko in their life. She always knows what to do when I'm upset & is always so calm. I'm glad I have her as a best friend.

"I'll talk, but you can't judge, okay? It's kind of a lot to dump all at once." I hesitate. I know it wont phase Yoko though. She's heard and seen it all from me at this point in our friendship.

"Girl, have you met me? Come on, lay it all out. I'm all ears." Yoko laughs, leaning back in bed on her elbows.

I take a deep breath, and unleash the disaster that is Ajax and my undeniable feelings for Wednesday.

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