Chapter Four

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The luminescence of the stage lights turns vermillion. Aura, on the stage with four men, takes a turn for a thrill. All eyes dart towards the pig heads resting on pole arms, one on the left and one on the right. Dead's eyes rest for a moment on stage until the bass and guitar start their catchy chorus.

A source of rage from the audience reflects on when Necrobutcher throws flesh into the audience and pieces of moldy bread too. Half of the metalheads have dipped from this act of prejudice; however, the others thought it was entertaining. Marceline thought it was more than entertainment; this form of metal is darker than other bands she knows.

"Demonic laughter is your cremation. Your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood. A sudden crack as I crushed your skull!" The blonde frontman jumps off the stage. Within seconds of noticing the dark, winged angel he met in the graveyard, Pelle throws an enormous amount of pig insides towards her to create a reaction. Her long hair and Bathory shirt have ripped muscles and tendons across her torso. Marceline grabs the intestine and wraps it around her neck. Eyes locked at Dead filled with compassion.

His long blonde hair flows in the direction of his banging head. A reflection of shine hitting the knife in Pelles pocket blinds her dark brown eyes. Euronymous eyes side swiped Dead due to him pulling out his knife. This was not part of the act; it was more improvised by Dead himself. "The remind of your life flashes by. A life that soon won't be, Smiling with axe in my hand Evil's rotten hand you'll see." Breaking eye contact with the Cerberus vocalist, he takes the sharp blade to his scarred skin.

Unaffecting the twenty corpses dancing in slow motion. Marceline watches each drop of blood drip from his arm to the floor. Her heart feels as if it were twisting inside her torso. The curtains fall down as the lights turn back to their original yellow tint. Viva pushes through the several people to Marceline. Lighting a cigarette in her hand "Bizarre, right? It was so fucking awesome, especially the pig heads and dead's vocals!" Looking down at the unopened beer, her raven hair covers her tears. "It was a great show."

A cold hand touches Marcelines back of Dead's leather jacket. "Can we talk about what happened backstage?" Garas hazel eyes are written with melancholy. Walking outside the satanic bar, a large exhale was performed from her red lips. Taking a large portion of her beer. The girls take a seat on a log in the abandoned parking lot of the bar. "My roommate's boyfriend would cause issues in the apartment back in America. He always would come back drunk, angry, and breaking shit every single night." Looking at Gara and then Viv. Viv's eyes roll while she throws her cigarette in the woods. "I knew Nicole was nothing but drama." Gara hits her arm, scolding her. "Do you ever shut the fuck up?" Marceline snaps her fingers at the both of them, immediately causing silence.

"One night, it developed into something that nobody knew would cause such chaos. George came in at the same time as usual as I was working on some art pieces, and then the fighting turned into me trying to stop him from hurting Nicole. Resulting in him hurting me and forcing his body onto mine." The two girls were in silence for a solid minute. Garas hair moves along with the wind as her hand rests on Marcelines thigh. "I am sorry that you went through such pain and trauma. We are more than bandmates; we are sisters, and if there's a way we can help your healing process, we will do anything in our power."

Will my shadows ever fade away?

A hiss is released from Dead as Necrobutcher wraps his wounds. "What were you thinking eh?!" Øysteins coke bottle opens then his lips press against it. "It did give us a cool look." The bassist turns his body toward the guitarist, spraying him with a spray bottle of water. "Cool? He fucking hurt himself on stage you ass." The continuous nagging eventually ends with Øystein walking out the bar. Pelles blue eyes stare up at the ceiling. "Jørn, it is fine. I'm going to start moving our equipment back." Necrobutcher gently nods. "Yeah, Hellhammer is with the girls outside; he can help too."

Finding Øystein and Hellhammer sitting on a log near his car. It seems they are all talking about how each band did well tonight, along with the stunts that were pulled. Pelle was looking directly in Marceline's direction, but her head was hanging low, staring at her beer bottle. He wanted to say so much to her, but his mouth didn't move a single time. Gara burst into laughter once Øystein made an edgy joke: "Half the people that left were absolute posers that can't handle a little gore." Gara smiled at Øystein. "How the hell did you guys get pig heads?" Hellhammer immediately coughs, "It was mine and Necrobutcher's idea. We stole them from a market truck. Vivas red hair shakes in disbelief, "absolutely mad!"

Irritation and tension strike in Dead's body. "Can we just go to the farmhouse?" Marcelines head shoots up quickly to the sound of Pelles voice. The aggressive tone ringing in her head was attractive.
Everyone looked at Dead. Øystein's corpse paint was a tad bit smudged. "Oh yeah, you want to see your Swedish friends." Opening the car door, Ohlin looks at his band mates and says, "Not only will they be at our party, but Necrobutcher brought a copy of Dracula that I really want to watch."

Marceline stands up before Pelle shuts the car door. "Could I watch Dracula with you?" Both corpse-painted faces look at each other. His long blonde hair moves ever so slightly as he nods, "Sure, why not?" As time passes through the cold night, Euronymous car drives fastly on the backroads to their home in Kråkstad to add Garas car was following right behind his. A loud growl coming from Necrobutcher's tummy softened the silence. "Can we order some pizza?" Euronymous makes a stop in the driveway. "Yeah, I need to get more Coca-Cola anyway."

Two guys are standing around a bonfire. Small, little flames spark above the night sky like stars of red. The Swedish lads eyes widen to see his long-lasting friends. The knife he was playing with dropped to the floor board, and without hesitation, he jerked the car door open. His thin body jolts to his lads with sudden positive energy. "Hej jäklar!" Pelle grabs their backs, dragging them inside. The three Swedes stand against the kitchen table, holding some cheap beers Hellhammer picked up at the gas station. The man in front of Pelle has long dark brown hair and Hazel brown eyes; he is approximately five feet and eleven inches in height. Acting a bit timid while drinking his beer. "Göran, Inge I am glad you have come! I have so many vinyls to show you."

Göran gently sits his beer on the table as he reaches for something in his pocket. "Pelle! You know how I sent you letters from Transylvania? I got you a souvenir, and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Göran takes out a small, dark brown book that is filled with Transylvanian poems. "Some of these poems are a bit bloody, but I know they are in your genre." His blonde hair covers his face as he carefully takes the book, opening to read the first poem. "Thank you, Göran, I love this!" Inge has shorter hair compared to his two friends. More on the strawberry blonde side too. "We have missed you very much, Pelle. Thanks for letting us come to hang out tonight."

A loud thud comes from the front door of the farm house. Holding several large boxes of pizza, it is none other than Hellhammer. "It's feasting time, fuckers!" He yells with pride. Right behind him is Euronymous, holding two gallons of Coca-Cola. His growls steadily increase louder: "These little shits are heavy." Slamming the gallons of cola on the kitchen table. Another set of footsteps walked inside the front door. All the guys were expecting it to be Necrobutcher, but it was Marceline.

"At least Gara could follow my speed" Euronymous says, twisting the cola lid open and pouring it into a red Solo cup. Her slender fingers slide into the pockets of Dead's jacket. "Necrobutcher told me to tell you he is making the fire larger." Her eyes carefully scan towards Pelle, and then she notices his friends from Sweden, his home country. Göran makes eye contact with Marceline. It was not the first time their eyes had met before. Her feet back up quickly against the wall behind her. Causing a picture frame to fall and shatter to the ground.

Did you miss me? DID YOU MISS ME?

In Pelles mind he is worried about Marceline. He has a unknown reason on why he wants to be her knight and shinning armor. Ohlins slender corpse like figure shoots up quickly from the table. His body leans forward toward her living corpse, getting close to the frightened girl as she slides onto the ground in shock. Euronymous shifts near the two of them, scooping the glass into his hands before someone steps on it. "You're so god damn clumsy, Marcy." His eyes roll as he throws the glass in the trash. "It's like you've seen a ghost." Göran's tall figure stands up with his eyes sunken, saying "She's a friend of mine, actually."

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