"Six Feets Under The Ground"

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It's been a week. A week since Shubhman has made day and night one searching for Ishan. He was sitting in his office looking out the window, waiting for some news about his Ishan. He turned towards the door when he heard someone knock.

"Come in" Abhishek entered, visibly tired from being beside Shubhman this past week and helping him in any way possible. "Abhi, any leads?" "Hello to u too Shubh, did you have breakfast yet?" "Abhi, did you get something on them?" "Great I haven't eaten too, let's go have something" "Abhi-" "No Shubh, you are coming with me and that is final"

"I don't have an appetite" "Doesn't matter" "Fine, you win" Shubhman gave in at last, definitely not in the mood to argue first thing in the morning. They went to the cafe across the street and gave their order.

"Shubhman I have checked every CCTV from the hotel to every place Mayank owns and can go to but that bastard has tempered every one of them" "What about reservations in his name on any flight or train" "None, I think he used his personal jet to go to wherever he went"

Shubhman rubbed his face, frustration written all over his face. He felt like he had met a dead end. "I did not want to involve his family but now I think this is the last resort."

"Shubhman are you sure? I don't think his family knows anything about his tactics." "Doesn't matter I want Ishan back and this is the only way I can see now" "What do you want me to do then?" "I want his father in my office this evening. Use whatever means you want"

"Consider it done, now concentrate on your breakfast. Look at you getting all lanky. How are you going to play with this body" Shubhman didn't reply, 'cause he didn't have an answer. Nothing feels good since he has lost Ishan to Mayank and he will not sit silently until he gets him back.
"Shubhman he is here" "Get him in". Mayank's father entered the room escorted by two of Shubhman's goons. The look on Mr Sharma's face said that he was not quite happy to be here. "Shubhman what is all this about? It better be something important."

"Where is Mayank?" "I am not bound to tell you that. He is out for some business-related work and I hope you remember we are rivals, so I won't tell you shit" "Mr Sharma, your son has kidnapped my lover. He has been warned time and time again but he just won't listen. What do you think I shall do once I get a hold of him?"

"Oh, so you aren't only his business rival but also his love rival. And from where did you get the perception that I will get along with your interrogation? I may not be as great of a businessman as you but I also have important things to take care of. I will take my leave now."

"You son and father duo sure are overconfident aren't you?" Shubhman stood up from his chair and walked around the table, reaching in front of Mr Sharma's chair. He moved his chair towards himself and put both his hands on the handrest of the chair. "Mr. Sharma I'm not a patient man, you better tell me when I am still being nice or-"

"Or what are you threatening me? I am influential Shubhman, one call and you will be behind the bars" Saying this he started to get up but cried out in pain when received a kick in his stomach. Shubhman took his throat in a chokehold. "One call and you will be six feets under the ground. And it's not even the best part. The best part is....the police will not even bat an eye."

"Leave me, Shubhman Gill!" "Not until you tell me where your fucking son is. I swear I will kill you first and then this son of yours. Tell me, dear Mr. Sharma, will he come back if he hears the news of your death? I should just kill you, it will make things so much easier" Shubhman gave a sick smile.

Mr Sharma was a coward Shubhman knew. He may try to act all high and mighty but Shubhman just had the knack to press the correct nerves and this seemed to have worked too as the very next moment, Mr Sharma confessed in his trembling voice, "I wi-will tell you please leave me, I can't breathe let me go, please."

"Go on, I want to know everything you know about his whereabouts" "He is in New York City now, he never told me where he lives and with whom. I have a new branch there, and he has taken its managerial position."

"When did he leave from here? He was here on your anniversary." "the next morning. His departure was not scheduled till next week but he said he had some important matters to take care of before he takes rein of the company"

Shubhman stood straight and went over to his office window. 'Ishan is in a different country with that fucker. I swear if I see even a scar on my Ishu, I will make him pay twice' "Fuck off now and consider yourself lucky I left you so easily but I promise your son will definitely not be this lucky"

"Ravi get him out of my sight he has been a good guy, please give him some gifts before his departure" Shubhman sneered at the last part and his bodyguard, Ravi Singh,  didn't waste a moment before barging inside and dragging Mr. Sharma away by his collar.

"Shubhman you said you won't harm me, tell him to stop!!" "I said I won't kill you and I will keep that promise. But I don't remember promising anything about not harming you, now do you?"

Shubhman laughed and tuned out whatever curses Mr Sharma was throwing his way. He knew that guy wouldn't have the energy to even open his eyes after he receives the *gifts*. Why bother trying to shut him up?

Shubhman knew what he had to do now. He called his younger Uncle who lives in New York and asked him to make accommodations for him to live there for a few nights. He will take the latest flight to NYC and get back his Ishan as soon as possible.


Hey beautiful people, hope you all have been well.

I'm sorry it took me so long to update. The last few days have been so hectic, that I did not even have proper sleep. I had written half of this chapter a while back but wasn't able to complete it.

I updated it as soon as I finished this part.

Hope you all like it.

Take care and know that you are loved xxx

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