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Stepping onto the train for the sixth time. It was more empty than usual. Darker. Quieter. Cold gusts of wind crawled up my spine every now and then. Outside the windows, the sky was dark. You would think it was evening, almost night, but it was only half past eleven. We had been on the train for half an hour already.

I sat in an open carriage, Pansy and Theo sitting on the right of me. Across from me was Mattheo. Enzo and Draco next to him. I leant my back against the icy glass. Draco was sitting on the end of the seat across from me, facing away from us. He hadn't said anything this whole half hour. It was strange since he was the one normally starting the conversation; mostly about his father. 

"Are you okay, Isa?" Mattheo asked leaning on the table. I turned my head to him and smiled. "Yeah, just tired." I lied. I wasn't tired. I was thinking about our father. He had made a reappearance in fourth year and many people had died already, including Cedric Diggory, because of him. That had happened two years ago, but I still think about it. I blame myself for it sometimes. He was killed by my father. I hate that I have to live knowing i'm related to someone so cruel. But at the same time, I feel like I have to love him.

We were an hour into our way to Hogwarts. Draco was still quiet. He didn't say anything. Not once. I fought the urge to say something to him many times. Maybe he needed space. I also didn't know what to say to him. 

The train was still cold. It was uncomfortable but there wasn't much you could do about it. I shivered when the condensation of the window finally soaked the back of my sweater. I shivered and moved my body so my back was against the seat now. Pansy put her arm around me and pulled me into her. I leaned my head on her shoulder. She was warmer than I was. We all looked up when we saw Harry Potter and his group walk by. Hermione Granger glanced slightly at us but never a full look. Ron Weasley didn't look at us at all. It was obvious he feared us. The way he was walking showed it all. Two other girls walked behind them. I smiled at the one I recognised. Dahlia Mallory. She was one of the only people I had become friends with who weren't in Slytherin. She smiled back and then glanced at something else. Her smile faded. I didnt know what it was, but it wasn't my business. 

We were now two hours into the journey. Theo and Enzo had moved to the open carriage across from us, where Blaise, Vincent and Gregory were sitting. Draco had finally made some movement. It was minor, but still. It was only me, Pansy, Mattheo and Draco in the carriage now. We were all sitting in awkward silence. It had never been like this. Pansy broke the silence. "I'm hungry, Come with me Mattheo?" I shot a look at her suddenly. She gave me a nod. I understood now. I could talk to Draco now. Alone. Draco stood up to let Mattheo out of the carriage and then sat back down. He didn't look at me at all. I slid down the chair until I was across from him. I leant on the table. "Dray?" I said softly staring at him. He didn't look up. "Draco." I repeated. He looked up. His facial expression was cold. His eyes looked right into mine. "What?" He said, coldly. He seemed irritated by something. I swallowed. "Are you okay?" I said, searching his face for any emotion. Nothing. "I'm fine." He replied. He was not fine. He showed it all over his face. There was not emotion but I could tell he was definitely not 'fine'. "Quit shutting us out, Dray." I said sternly, but my voice had a hint of worry in it. "You can't keep saying you're fine when you know you're not." His face tensed up. "Don't call me that."He said in a sharp voice. So sharp it could cut through a diamond. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sighed. "We're worried." I said with concern. He opened his mouth to say something but then stopped himself. I nodded slightly and slid back to where I was sitting before. Why was I bothering? He didn't want help. I was just wasting my time worrying.

Mattheo and Pansy returned a while later. I was sitting with my arms crossed on the table, looking out the window. The glass was mainly frosted but I could still see the outlines of trees. Pansy leaned in and whispered to me. "How did it go?" I turned my head to face her and shook my head. "He won't say anything." She sighed and leaned back in the chair.

The train came to a stop. We had arrived at Hogwarts. I slid out of the seat, after Pansy. I noticed Draco still sitting back down after moving for Mattheo to get out. 

"Are you coming?" I asked him as people pushed past. He lifted his head and smiled briefly. He hadn't smiled at all since last year. 

"Yeah, I just need to check something." He said looking down again.

"I can wait. If you want?" I said holding onto the table. 

He shook his head and I nodded. I exited the train and went to find Pansy. 

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