- 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 -

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As I rushed out of the hall, a baby's cry followed me. I had been hearing it since I stepped off the train.

I was walking towards the bathrooms when I bumped into someone.

"No please!"

I heard a woman's voice scream as I turned to face who I had bumped into. Harry Potter. He had dried blood under his nose. I couldn't help but remember the same exact blood on Draco's hand. Before I could speak, a crucial pain washed over my forehead. Harry's hand reached up to his scar as he groaned. I didn't know what was going on but I definitely knew it was not pleasant.

Moments later, the pain eased down. I was about to say something but my eyes focused on the blood again.

"What happened?" I asked gesturing to his nose. He quickly wiped the blood with the back of his hand. "Nothing." I tilted my head to the side and gave him a look that showed I knew he was lying. "Just an accident." He finally said. I sighed and then nodded. "I have to go." He said as he backed away. I smiled slightly as he walked off.

The whole interaction felt weird. I guess that would make sense. My father killed his parents. But we have been going to school together since we were eleven, so why did it suddenly feel so eerie.

Later on that night, as I was laying on my bed, Pansy approached me. She sat on the foot of my bed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, why?"

"You disappeared at dinner."

I went silent for a short period of time. Pansy shifted so she was next to me. "Bell, you need to talk to me." I sat up and tucked my brown waves behind my ear. "I'm fine." I replied with emphasis on 'fine'.

I hated when she worried about me. I understand that its what best friends do, but I was the one who was supposed to do the worrying. No one would ever hurt me out of fear of my father. Pansy was the only person that genuinely cared about me. Apart from Mattheo. Mattheo has always been there. Through everything. My brother, my best friend, my everything. I love him now and forever. Having Pansy and Mattheo in my life is one of life's greatest blessings.

Pansy pulled me into a tight hug, stroking her fingers through my hair. "No matter what, you will always be my girl." Her words always got to me. She always said the right thing. She slept by my side that night. I had told her about the things I had been hearing, so she had been checking in on me every now and then.

I've been best friends with Pansy since we first met at the sorting ceremony in first year. Our friendship is more than words, and that's why she is my best friend. My words are not even close to what I want to express because my love for her surpasses every word or phrase. I would lose my sleep if she ever needed me in the middle of the night. I will be loyal to her forever and always.

I opened my eyes slowly, the room was still dark. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and saw Pansy in a deep sleep next to me. I swung my legs off the bed gently and got up onto my feet. Grabbing the blanket that was wrapped around me and put it onto of Pansy, tucking it underneath her chin. I slipped my feet into slippers and walked towards the door. The room was almost pitch black. I could still make out some of the furniture but that didn't really help. The other girls in my dorm were also fast asleep. I reached my hand around for my trunk. Once I felt the hard trunk on the tip of my fingertips, I ran the palm of my hand around the surface for my wand. When I felt the wood of my wand, I picked it up.


I whispered and the tip of my wand lit up. I put the wand under my shirt so it didn't create so much light that it would wake up the other girls. I reached for the door handle, relying on the vague light coming from underneath my shirt. I turned the handle quietly and pulled the door towards me and closed it behind me. The hallway was now pitch dark. I could only see less than a metre in front of me. I took the wand out of my shirt, releasing more light. I walked down the stairs into the common room. It's only light source was the lit fire. That meant someone else was awake.

I turned the corner and walked to the lounge area, where the fireplace was. Looking at the couch from behind, I noticed familiar brown waves.

"Hey." The person asked.

"Hi, Theo." I replied walking around the couch and sitting next to him. I grabbed the pillow from behind me and put it over my stomach, leaning back on the couch. I could tell he had been smoking. His breath reeked of it. I put my hand out.

"What?" He looked down at my hand, confused. I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes. He chuckled and shook his head. "You can't smoke inside. Dumbledore's rule."

I scoffed. "Yeah, like you weren't just smoking." He hesitated, looking at the fire. Then he smiled and reached in his pocket and passed me his cigarette. I snatched it out of his fingers and put it between my lips. I grabbed the lighter in my pocket and lit the cigarette. I inhaled the smoke and slowly exhaled, smoke filling the air. Theo grabbed it off me and placed it between his lips. I scoffed and then cleared my throat.

"Nightmares?" I asked teasingly. He chuckled a bit, thankfully. Theo had really bad nightmares in fourth year. He would wake up in cold sweats. I didn't even mean to say that, it just came out. I gave him an apologetic look and he smiled back, showing that it was okay. He says that his nightmares have gone away fully, but a part of me doesn't believe it. He's just like me. He doesn't like when people worry about him. He isn't the type to debrief, however he's definitely the type to listen. In fact, he is a very good listener. For any reason, if I cant talk to Pansy about stuff, it's Theo I talk to. My brother is a good listener as well, but sometimes I don't feel like telling him stuff.

"The nightmares are gone. Completely. But sometimes I just come out here, you know." I nodded my head and swallowed hard.

"Theo?" I turned my head to look at him. He looked back at me and lowered the cigarette down.


"Have you talked to Draco?"

He went silent for a moment.

"He, uh-" He cleared his throat. "He won't say anything. We've all tried. He just keeps saying he's fine."

I turn my focus to the fire. I bite my bottom lip and hug the pillow on my stomach tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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