Mission 1: Go to Michael's office

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(AN: GUYS IM BACK, I was planning on publishing this chapter after another year, and I was thinking of updating this book one year at a time. I really do not like writing but here I am. Again. Writing. As I said in my last chapter that this chapter would be based on Janet herself, but thinking now I don't feel like doing so. I read chapter 2 again, and I hate it, DESPISE it. This chapter is again about noa and no one else because i said so and its my book and i dont want hate. i do this for fun tysvm {Im getting threatened to publish another chapter.} {I'm being held at gun point.} )


Noa went to Michaels office like Michael said she should do. She felt threatened, scared, upset. Why would Janet leave her. Her soulmate, the love of her life she would say (she never said that. she literally met Janet not even 20 minutes ago). Noa went through mountains, rivers, to find Michaels office, but she couldn't find it. She didn't have Janet to help her to "BING" her to the fucking office. What am I gonna do.. Noa thought. She didn't even listen to Michael when he showed her around the 'Good Place' 

After walking for so long, she finally found nothing. Literally nothing. The only thing she found was that she could walk for so long and not get tired at ALL. 

She walked three more steps, until she accidentally stepped on someone. A dude. "I'm so sorry i stepped on you! Are you okay?" Noa asked. The male looked up at her and said "bench" and walked away. Noa was flabbergasted, that was weird  she thought. When she looked down when she stepped on that bloke. She saw a letter. 

Dear Noa,

I know you're reading this, 

If you find this letter, you probably stepped on Jason Mendoza.

Dont mind him, he's a little grumpy when he found out that the love of his life was your soulmate! 

Anyways to find the office you are so desperately looking for is in your mind. 

Close Your Eyes And You'll see.


Noa didn't understand the letter, she is literally dyslexic how would she possibly understand. (AN: I know dyslexic people can read i'm not stupid, noa is just iliterate and can't read a lot, but she calls herself dyslexic. If you're reading this Noa, this isn't about you but the Noa in this book.) The only thing she read was the 'close your eyes and you'll see' part. 

And that's what she did.

When Noa closed her eyes she saw everything black. She turned around and then she saw it. She saw the same thing when she woke up for the first time.

 She saw the same thing when she woke up for the first time

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Noa was back, back when she first opened her eyes. This weird place that tingled her stomach like she's giving birth. (She never gave birth, she is a lesbian with no kids and no love. If you're reading this noa this is also about you!)

"Took you long enough" Michael said while clicking his tongue. "My apologies sir, but I couldn't forking find this shirt" Noa grumbled. She was annoyed at Michael. Why wouldn't he just take me with him to this forking office- "You know I can hear your thoughts right?" Michael scoffed. That was embarassing. You should be embarassed Noa.

"The reason why I didn't bring you with me, was because I needed you to find this office yourself, instead of relying on me everytime." Michael said. "I never relied on you." Noa said with a straight (she's not straight) face. "Anyways, why was I supposed to come here? I just want to find the love of my life, and you're not really helping." Noa said with an irritated voice.

"Ok, well let me tell you what you need to do to find Janet. As you already know Janet isn't a robot, she is kind of a helper for us. She doesn't faze emotions, so i don't really know why she even cried when you called her a robot." Michael thinks out loud. "Well let's check were she  last teleported after your fight with janet-" "We did NOT fight" Noa cut Michael off.   

It wasn't a fight, it was a mere misunderstanding. Noa still didn't understand what made Janet so upset to be called a robot, she really wanted to know why janet hated to be called a robot. But on the other hand she really couldn't care less (why are you even in the good place). 

Michael and Noa were searching for things Janet could enjoy. But they couldn't find anything. Not. A. Single. Thing. It was like Janet was snapped out of this world, like thanos did that one time. And that was it. Michael knew where she was. 

"I know where she is Noa". Michael said while snapping his finger. "The place where she is, is pretty dangerous, so you can't go alone. But I also can't go there.... I'm kind of banned there." Michael mumbled under his breath. "Why?" Noa asked. "Aren't you like an angel? How could they ban you, isn't that illegal?" Noa asked curiously. And Noa was right, why would they ban an angel... unless..?- "Because this place isn't for angels, but for bad people and demons. I only know she goes there to help the people who aren't in the good place.." Noa looked at Michael with a shocked face. What does he mean by that, why would Janet help people who aren't in the good place. Where could she honestly be?  Noa thought. Until she looked back at Michael and asked quietly "Is Janet in the Bad Place Michael?" 


(A/N republishing Because it was way too short, just like @dysxilec and @spookyy444. Sorry people. 

yeah that's it, that's the stuff, i'll probably try to update as fast as I can so You won't forget about it. )

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