Chapter 5

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Taking another few moments to enjoy their recommitment to each other and reconciliation, but then realizing they needed to get moving because they don't know how long they have before the entire building caves in trapping them forever.

"Are you alright to try to move now darling?" Nikki asked hesitantly.

"I think so...but if not it doesn't really matter because we need to get out of here fast" Victor answered.

Nikki leaned back giving Victor room to stand up. After a few groans and moans, Victor was standing then he turned and reached out his hands to his wife again helping her up. With her own groans and moans, Nikki finally was standing as well. " which way?" Nikki asked holding on to Victor for support.

Looking around, Victor spotted a small opening with light coming through and decided that was as good of a direction as any, "Lets head that way...towards that light...hopefully that light will light the way to our safety" Victor replied. With that Nikki held on tight to Victor with one hand and held his hand with the other as Victor held onto her as well, as they began to slowly move in that direction.


"Still no word from your parents?" Katherine asked when she found Victoria and Nicholas, who still was holding onto his grief-stricken sister.

"No...nothing Katherine" Nick answered trying to stay calm and not think the worst.

"Oh my darlings...I am sure they are fine" Katherine said taking them both in her arms "Your parents are the strongest people I know...they can survive anything life throws at them...and they will survive this I just know it."

"Dad..." someone spoke breaking the three from their embrace. Turning to see Noah with a few bandages where he had gotten fixed up by the paramedics.

"Yeah buddy" Nick answered.

"Are Grandma and Grandpa dead?" Noah asked with tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

"I don't know son...I don't know" Nick said reaching for his son and taking him in an embrace with it killing him having nothing else to say.

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