ten seconds

62 9 19


Where are you, my love?

Seonghwa was in a panic as he looked for Jangmi in the greenhouse. Fear surged him when he called out her name again, but there was no response.

He rushed out of the door, hoping to find any clue that might lead him to her. Desperation drove him to keep searching, even though he didn't know where to look.

Suddenly, he noticed something out of place—multiple petals strewn across the ground.

A chill ran down his spine as he bent over, picking up a single white rose petal.

His mind raced with possibilities and without a moment's hesitation, Seonghwa's feet carried him to the palace garden. His guts tell him that the only place left to search for is that field, a place where she could've possibly gone.

At the same time, he imagined the worst as he sprinted like a bolt of light. Would he find her safe and sound among the flowers, or would he find something much more sinister?

But as soon as his sprinting feet led him to the said garden, his heart hardened.

The once vast beautiful garden of white roses was tainted with so much chaos. The sky above was turning dark as thunder rumbled in the distance, a deep, rolling sound that seemed to shake the grounds where the fight unfolded.

Rage boiled in his chest as he watched the danger the two women were in. And as quick as he arrived, his wife in the distance instantly noticed him.


Seonghwa's heart swelled with relief when he heard her voice. He wanted to reach her, to keep her close and escape this madness together. But he knew he couldn't, now that assassins came into his view.

His opponents were armed with swords, and as the Prince's gaze flickered in his hands— he realized that he had none.

As if he would let his lack of weapon hinder him. With a swift motion, he dodged the first assassin's attack and used his momentum to disarm him.

Seonghwa then grabbed the sword and swiftly knocked down another assassin who was trying to sneak up on him. The blade felt unfamiliar in his hands, but he adapted quickly as he struck with precision.

The second opponent approached more cautiously, Seonghwa, however, was too quick and agile, he avoided the narrow swing of the opponent's sword and delivered a painful jab, instantly knocking the assassin down.

The third assassin, witnessing the fate of his comrade, charged at Seonghwa with a scream. The Prince deflected his attacks and used his momentum again, disarming them with a swift strike.

Seonghwa's opponents were truly no match for him. His eyes were dark and intense, filled with a raw power that seemed to draw the attackers in. They were like a magnet, pulling them closer and closer until they met their death in his hands.

As the dust settled from the heated battle, Seonghwa licked his lips as he surveyed the scene, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the two girls. But as he looked around, another sinking feeling of dread washed over him.

Luna was the only one left fighting in the garden, her figure moving gracefully amidst the chaos.

Seonghwa's heart raced as his eyes frantically searched for the familiar hazel-haired, for at least a glimpse or a sign that would lead him to her. But realization hit him like a blow to the chest.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now