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Well, that was...certainly something. Y/n had never—not once in his life—spent fifteen minutes making out with someone. It was like seven minutes doubled, except they weren't in a closet (no— Y/n was out and proud, but if you really thought about it, his mother was still in denial. However, Y/n didn't give a fuck about her). Y/n's whole brain was like a mix of pleasure, and he felt dazed. It took him a few seconds to fully snap out of it.

It felt like Aruna had ripped his breaths from his lungs—he didn't just take Y/n's breath away—he had fully stolen it, and in a literal sense. Y/n's chest heaved up and down, as he swallowed. His lips were flushed and Y/n thought with slight mortification that he would be meeting Aruna's mother with kiss-swollen lips.

Aruna pressed his thumb on his own lips, giving a lofty smile.

"What a pity it had to be cut short..." Y/n could swear he heard Aruna mutter under his breath. From the voice alone, ugh, did someone really have the right to act so hot? From the forked tongue—to the way Aruna had—

Okay, time to banish those thoughts from his head.

Aruna pressed a much lighter, chaste kiss on Y/n'a forehead, adjusting his tie. They both looked like they rolled out of a tangled mess of sheets...I'm pretty sure you get the idea. Well, I-just-did-the-dirty was also a look in itself, people would say. It was kind of like that one award show (was it the VMAs? The Grammys? Y/n couldn't remember) where lives were lost when BTS showed up at the red carpet all sexy as fuck.

In fact, before Nadia had taken to writing proper novels, she had taken great delight in writing fanfiction. She was the reason why Y/n kept stumbling upon Park Jimin fanfiction on Twitter. Y/n didn't want to know how many fandoms she was on. There was simply some information that changed you irrevocably as a person.

But Y/n didn't really know if Aruna's mother would appreciate it.

"We better get going, then," Aruna smiled, "wouldn't want to be late, right?"

And...this guy was acting like his tongue wasn't in Y/n's fucking mouth just a few minutes ago.

"W-Wait," Y/n struggled to readjust his appearance, "I'm all messy, my suit's crooked now, and have you seen how I look?"

"Yes, I did," Aruna said breezily, "and you look wonderful." In a smooth motion, Aruna leaned forward, smoothing out whatever creases Y/n's attire had. His long, slender fingers grazed bare skin, and sent shivers running down Y/n's spine.

"You have no right to be that smooth," Y/n told him, "I'm going to have to chase nagas away from you. Isn't that a story trope in itself? The rich heir gets all the people flocking. Then there's arranged marriage, and then the one true love comes along the way..."

"I did have an arranged marriage."

"—but with the power of friendship—you what?"

"I had an arranged marriage." Aruna repeated, "at that time, none of us were matched yet. So it was chosen as the most ideal candidate. The most ideal candidate was..." Aruna furrowed his eyebrows. "If I remember correctly, her name was Aria? Or Maria? I'm afraid I can't recall very well. But she was insensitive and rather blunt. Marrying a person wasn't on her list—in fact, she was already seeing someone."

Y/n sucked in a breath. Hm. That sounded like someone really familiar.

"I have a friend like that," He laughed, "in fact, she's the one who made me set up a profile! And she recommended me to go out with you, actually. Don't be mad, but she was the one who sent those messages. I was intimidated by you, to be honest. I thought it didn't really make sense for someone as hot as you to go out with me. She was kind of like a snake herself—always with the sharp remarks, the well intended yet poorly executed intentions..."

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