A New Friend

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Clarke Griffin was a bartender most of her life and didn't mind it at all, but there were times however when she wished she had chosen another line of work, but this wasn't one of those nights and the reason for that was because of who just walked in and sat down at the bar. She didn't know what the woman's name was, but she did know she was gorgeous and Clarke went over to her, but the other server beat her to the punch.

"Damnit Raven!" Clarke said to herself as she knew the dark-haired woman did that on purpose so she could woo the mystery woman who just walked in and get a hot tip.

"I'm Raven and I will be your server this evening."

"Hello Raven, my name is Lexa."

"Well, Lexa, can start you with something to drink?"

Lexa pulled out a pack of cigarettes and laid them on the bar after getting one of the packs. She then goes to get her lighter when Raven offers to light for with a match.

"Thank you," Lexa said taking a draw from it.

"You're welcome. Now what would like to drink?"

"Do you have something besides alcohol?"

Lexa wasn't opposed to drinking liquor, but she didn't have someone to take home so she decided to have something else instead.

"We have soda, Tea, water, and coffee."

"A diet soda with a lemon wedge please."

"Coming up," Raven said and left to get Lexa to get her drink and that's when Clarke swooped in to try and get in and try to outplay Raven.

"Hello, may I serve you?" Clarke asked.

"Wow! This please is very hospitable." Lexa replied.

"That's how my mom likes for the place to be run. Her motto is "Make sure every customer is taken care of").

"And she would be disappointed to see you not covering your station," Raven replied as she gave Lexa her soda.

"I'm going," Clarke said as she mumbled and cussed back.

"She's cute," Lexa stated.

"And very into women as well," Raven stated.

"And what about you?" Lexa asked.

"I've got a girlfriend."

"That's good."

"Would like something to eat?"

"I've never eaten here before. Can I see a menu?"



After having a chicken Caesar salad to eat, Lexa paid her bill and gave Raven a tip that was stuffed down in her bra as she did with all her tip money and thanked Lexa as she left. When she got outside she saw Clarke waiting for her on a motorcycle.

"Nice ride," Lexa commented and whistled.

"Thanks." Clarke replied and asked, "Would you like a ride home?"

"That's nice of you to offer, but I drove myself here."

Clarke was thinking of a way to get Lexa to be with her, she wanted to get to know this beautiful woman in front of her and see where goes from there and while she was thinking, Lexa said:

"But I wouldn't object to going for a quick ride on with you that is if my car won't be towed while I'm gone."

"It usually has to be here for over twenty-four hours before it's towed," Clarke stated.

"In that case, I would love to go for a ride with you."

"Hop on."


Clarke takes Lexa for a ride up to Miller's Ridge where from up top you can see the whole town below. It was her favorite spot to go to when she had a bad day or just wanted to be by herself. She never brought anyone to this spot before so that meant that she felt something special for Lexa.

"It's beautiful up here." Lexa gushed with enthusiasm at the view.

"This sorta a secretive spot of mine so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anybody about it," Clarke said.

"Mum the word."

Clarke smiled before walking over to where Lexa was and then bent down picked a flower and placed it in Lexa's hair.

"Thank you," Lexa said as she removed her hop earring and placed it in Clarke's ear.

"You don't have to do that if didn't want to," Clarke stated.

"But I want to," Lexa said.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."



hen Lexa got home, her uncle was waiting for her on the front porch as she got out of the car.

"Sorry, I'm late Uncle Lincoln." Lexa apologizes.

"That's okay," Lincoln said, "did you find them?"

"I did, but Luna wasn't with them."

"That's good, that means she hasn't located them yet."

"Shouldn't we just go to the Slayer and inform her of what's going on?"

It was a good suggestion, but Lincoln was a vampire and even though he had a soul he was still concerned about being staked by her.

"She kills my kind." Lincoln reminded Lexa.

"Yes, but you have a soul. I remember hearing about another vampire that had a soul that she didn't slay."

Lincoln began to think about it and then said, "If you want to you can go talk to her, but don't be surprised if she doesn't believe you."

"Thank you, Uncle Lincoln," Lexa said hugging his neck then she headed to go inside, but he stopped her.

"Is something wrong?"

"I know you want to keep Clarke safe, but don't get too involved with her."

Lincoln said not because he didn't want Lexa to be with Clarke, he said because after they took care of Luna and her band of vampires they would be leaving and he didn't want Lexa to be heartbroken when it was time to go.

"I know Uncle Lincoln and don't worry after I lost Heather to a vampire, I learned to never let love be my master ever again. To love is to be weak and I will never be weak again."

And without saying another word, Lexa went inside.

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