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                 I didn't sleep well at all.
The prospect of being sent away was fresh in my mind when Queen Clarion woke me up. The Queen was so nice, but I couldn't understand why she was letting the ministers send me away.
At least, that's what I thought.
"We've agreed that we will give you a trial. Some of the other fairies will show you around today."

                         •                •                 •

The Queen had asked us to show the new girl around. And, of course, we all agreed with pleasure. That is, except for Tink. She was still mad, for reasons that her friends couldn't figure out. We were all ecstatic that we had been chosen to show her around. All of us wanted to show off our talents to her.
Silvermist went first. She brought them to a pond with a waterfall. Raelynn looked curious and alert. Silvermist decided to show her dewdrops on a spider web.
"Just cup your hands like this, reach into the water, and grab a drop. Easy as that! Okay, you've heard of a dewdrop? This is a don't drop. That's water fairy humor." Silvermist smiled at her own joke.
"It's good," Raelynn commented shyly.

 "It's good," Raelynn commented shyly

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"Come on. Okay, Raelynn, now, this next part can be a little tricky. It takes a very steady, delicate hand to thread a drop onto a spider's web. You have to be careful to not break the strand of web, or loss your drop. Then you thread it on, like this. Now you get to try!" Silvermist said, excitement showing on her face. Tinkerbell harrumphed.
"Me?" Raelynn asked cautiously, glancing at Tink's grumpy face. Silvermist nodded excitedly. The other fairies, who were sitting on a lily pad, gave Raelynn multiple thumbs up (That is, aside from Tink.). Raelynn scooped up a drop of water, carefully flew towards the web and—
Tink leaned backwards, dejected. She had done it beautifully. Even Silvermist said that she wished she could do it like that. Tink could feel her cheeks heating up. How come this Raelynn could do it and she couldn't? What was so special about her? If she proved she was better at tinkering than her, Tink would be furious.
Meanwhile the other fairies were congratulating Raelynn and all chiming for her to try their talent next. Tink stormed off. Her friends cheers for Raelynn echoed in her ears.

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