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"Alex you need therapy

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"Alex you need therapy." Rachel said.

"Why does everyone always tell me that? I'm fine, I don't need therapy'" I scoffed. "You slept with a teacher, multiple times!"

"No, I didn't, Rachel." I said mockingly. "It was like twice."   "And I do not want to know that, also, not helping your case here."

I sunk into my bed, and someone knocked on the door. "What?" I yelled annoyed. "Jeez Alex, what's up with you?" Nico laughed.

"I am annoyed, I have a raging headache and Rachel keeps slut shaming me."

"What?" Rachel yelled. "The fuck, I do not!" She defended herself. "I don't even care. Rachel, you sleeping over again?"

"Again?" I raised an eyebrow. Nico slowly stepped back into the hallway. "Rachel!" I laughed. "Alex." she tried not to smile. "Please don't tell me you fu–." She stopped me by erupting into laughter. "No!" She laughed. "I would never!"

"Why not? He's a cool guy, and looks like me so he's attractive."

"Al, you did not just call yourself attractive." Rachel said.

"What if I did?" I teased. "Alex, you are so full of yourself," she sighed, shaking her head. "Besides, you know I would never sleep with someone who is literally a carbon copy of you. That would be weird."

"If you ever change your mind, you've got my blessing, or something."

"Thank you, but no thanks," Rachel replied with an exasperated sigh. "I'd rather not see a male version of your face staring back at me in the morning."

"Why? You like the female version of me better." I winked, Rachel's cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. "What?" She laughed. "No thanks, I don't like women who would leave me for their teacher, and I don't like women, period."

"Yeah, yeah, keep lying to yourself Rach."

After spending my sunday basically sleeping in my bed and only coming down to eat, I had to wake up early again for school. This time, not being late to class on a monday.

"Goodmorning students." Her voice making me snap back into reality. "I hope you've all had a good weekend," She started off. "now, lets do a homework check, open your books and start on the indicated exercises on the board."

She started in the front of the class, Benji, who 'felt better' and Rachel talking while I copied of Benji's answers. "Benji what is wrong with your handwriting." I asked. "I didn't make these, Isaac did."

"What a nice brother you have." I commented. "I wish Nico would do my homework for me, but he keeps saying he's not my servant."

"I wish we had butlers." Rachel dreamed. "What do butlers have to do with this, aren't they just for preparing food?" I laughed. "To be fair, I don't even care. If they bring me food and can do my homework it's a yes."


"What do you think you're doing?" Her eyes focused on mine as I looked up. "Making homework." I laughed. "A bit late for that isn't it, almost as if you were occupied doing intirelly different things this weekend."

"Really? How did you know?" I said sarcastically. "Watch your tone, young lady." Miss Jensen scoffed. "Atleast you know that now." I almost wanted to say, but I just rolled my eyes. Tell Jesus that the bitch is back.

"You can stay after school, to finish your homework. And to teach you a thing called, respect." She said and walked away, not even checking Benji or Rachel's work.

"I missed old Alex." Rachel laughed. "She won't survive long with Jensen here." Benji muttered. "Do we think I need to write a will? Since old Alex is back." I joked. "Yeah, maybe," Rachel grinned. "starting off with me getting all your money."

"Sorry Rachel, but I already promised myself I wanted all my money to go to the 'gay teens with parent issues who get emotionally attached to middle aged teachers fund."

"Alex, you started a fund for yourself?" Benji asked, "I'm so surprised." He said sarcastically. "I know right? Like I would've never even thought of it." I replied with the same energy.

"Be quiet back there." Miss Jensen scolded us.

"Yes Miss Jensen." Rachel said in a slightly anoyed tone. "Did you know she has a cat?" I whispered. "Her name's Blair."

"I'm jealous, I want a cat." Benji whispered back. "Oh my god, like Blair Waldorf?" Rachel asked. "Yeah." I replied, still in a hushed tone. "That's so cute!" She squealed. Earning us a glare from Jensen.

"Alexandra," Miss Jensen started. I had (barely) survived she school day once again, and almost fell asleep during our last one, but I got woken up by the bell.

"You said we weren't going to talk about it." I intersected.

"That's not what I was getting at," She chuckled, her sudden laughter making me raise my eyebrows in confusion. "you left your chapstick." She got the chapstick from her pocket and handed it to me.

"I see this is not the way you wanted to get it back, hmm?"

"I—uhm—what?" My red cheeks exposing my thoughts. "Don't lie to me Alexandra." She spoke.

"Say it, say you did it purpose."

Her demanding tone making me clench my thighs together. Fuck.

My silence earning me a disapproving shake of her head.

"Cat got your tongue?" She teased. "Come on Alex, you can say it." I slid back further onto the desk as Jensen walked closer, the clicking of her short heels making my heart beat faster.

"I did it on purpose." I muttered. "What?" She asked amused. "I didn't quite catch that."

"I did it on purpose." I repeated, louder this time. Getting me a rewarding nod from Jensen.

"When's your birthday again?" She asked. "Next week, on friday." I replied. "Hmm."

"Why? Are you going to get me a gift, Miss Jensen?" My attitude flying right back through the window. "Maybe." She said. "Maybe not."

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