Part Eight

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 You had come to bed only a short while after Danny had, quietly tucking yourself in next to him and pressing a chaste kiss to his shoulder before falling asleep. When you woke up, Danny was already gone from the room. You figured he was nervous to stand up in front of a new bunch of strangers and pretend he was a close friend of the groom. You gathered your things and made your way to the bridal suite, eager to start getting ready for the big day.

Entering Olivia's room, you saw her sitting on the small loveseat, cooling eye patches resting above her cheeks as she sipped on a cup of tea. Her eyes met yours, and you rushed to sit beside her, seeing the tears shining in them.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" you gently took the teacup out of her hands, placing it on the table before taking her hands in yours. "Are you getting cold feet? Say the word, I can have us out of here in ten minutes." Olivia shook her head, sniffling.

"No, no it's not that." she sighed. "I just was thinking how I never thought this day would happen." she broke out into a smile. "How lucky I am to have family and friends here supporting us. How lucky I am to have you, especially."


"No, you have been the sister I've always wanted, that I begged my parents for when I was a kid and a lonely only child." Olivia laughed. "I'm so happy that you're going to be standing beside me through this."

"Oh Liv," you began to feel tears prick your own eyes. Letting go of her hands, you threw your arms around her, hugging your best friend so tightly. "I wouldn't dare be anywhere else." Olivia returned the hug, sniffling into your hair as the two of you embraced.

"Who knows, maybe in a few years, I'll get to return the favor at your and Danny's wedding." she giggled, causing you to bite your lip to hold back a grin as you pulled back.

"It's way too soon to think about that," you laughed softly, looking down at your lap. To be honest, you had briefly entertained the thought. You blamed it on the festivities, but when you had been in the bath, listening to love songs, you couldn't help but picture dancing with Danny at the reception to them, and then your bridesmaid dress slowly turned into a wedding dress. He held you the way he did in the ballroom, up on the stage, whispering sweet sentiments to you as you shared a first dance in front of family and friends.

Olivia watched your face and leaned in, nudging your shoulder with hers.

"When you know, you know." she replied, a knowing tone in her voice. She reached out, touching the sapphire pendant you still wore.

"Oh god, I forgot to take this off." you reached up to take the necklace off, but Olivia stopped you.

"No, keep it on today." she instructed. "You'll be my something blue."

"It doesn't go with my dress, Liv." you protested softly, waiting for her to agree. Instead she took the small sapphire in her palm, smiling down at it. She glanced back up at you, a look in her eyes you couldn't quite place.

"It goes with you." she responded, letting the pendant drop back to your chest. "Besides, I'm the bride. You have to do what I say." Rolling your eyes you were interrupted from replying by the suite door opening and the rest of the bridesmaids spilling in, garment bags in hand, chattering excitedly. The makeup artists and hairstylists bustling in after them, beginning to set up for the long morning ahead.

Downstairs, in a room less buzzing, Danny sat with the groomsmen, watching the random soccer match that was on the television. Most of the morning was just hanging out for them, no primping and preening to go through. Danny almost felt out of place, usually his getting ready took a bit, making sure his stage outfit was right, getting some makeup put on his eyes, some rhinestones. He felt like he was going to be woefully unprepared. His legs crossed, his foot jiggled anxiously on his knee as he toyed with the phone in his hand.

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