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The crowd had been electric all night, and Danny played his heart out for them, taking extra care during his drum solo to leave them satisfied. As he stood on the platform with his three brothers, arms around one another and taking their final bow, he had a moment where he couldn't believe that this was his life. Playing sold out arenas and stadiums, making music he loved and seeing the world. It was a dream come true.

Taking one last bow, Danny followed Sam off stage, his adrenaline still pumping. They spoke excitedly about the fans and the little mistakes and improvements they could make for the next show, and Danny nearly missed the excited squeal coming from the hallway as they turned towards the greenroom.

"That was amazing!" you ran towards him leaping into his sore, tired arms. Another dream come true for Danny, who had envisioned a moment just like this so long ago. "Oh my gosh you sounded better than ever before baby!"

"Thanks Honey," Danny's lips captured yours in a kiss as he adjusted you in his arms, refusing to put you down as he walked. "It's good to be back in action. I missed this."

"Oh yeah, you were really missing the tour life while on your second honeymoon." Sam rolled his eyes sarcastically. Danny finally let you down and you fell into step next to him, hand entwined with his.

"I did!" Danny protested. "I mean, not a whole lot, but I did."

"I think you were busy with other things, darling." you murmured, pressing a kiss to the tattoo on his bicep. Danny smirked down at you, a flash in his eyes that you were all too familiar with. You could tell he was thinking of the secluded beach villa in Italy, both of your favorite parts of the romantic vacation.. The ocean right outside your bedroom, terrace doors wide open and making love to the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore, the salty breeze chilling your sweaty bodies.

Your first honeymoon had been a quick one. Danny's touring schedule didn't allot for much time after the wedding, so the two of you had rented a secluded cabin in the Smoky Mountains for nearly a whole week before he had to leave for tour. It was perfect in your eyes, but Danny had decided he wanted to take you somewhere special for a "real honeymoon" one day.

Your second honeymoon that was three years in the making had been a recreation of the bubble you'd been in at Olivia and Mike's wedding nearly five years ago. Both of you enjoyed your time during the day, walking through historic towns and villages on the coast, letting the sun soak into your skin and give you both a golden tan. But as soon as your late dinners were over, it was to the bedroom, and suddenly you both couldn't get enough of each other again.

"Hey, keep those looks to yourself mister," you smirked up at him. "At least until we get to the hotel." Danny leaned down, pressing a kiss to your lips before dragging them to your ear. The shiver his words sent down your spine had you itching to throw him in the dressing room and lock Sam out, all to get a taste of what the night would offer.

As you neared the rooms, you could already see Jake wandering the halls half undressed. His suit jacket had been long gone and his trousers unbuttoned, but he looked like he was on a mission to dire to care.

"There you are!" he looked relieved as he saw you. "That stupid mascara Josh talked me into is burning my eyes, and I can't find the makeup wipes anywhere."

"Oh god," you sighed, reaching into your bag and pulling out a small travel packet of makeup removing wipes. You'd taken to carrying them with you since Danny loved dabbling in eyeliner, sometimes not realizing he'd smudged some onto his temples while trying to apply it. "Okay, we should probably put some drops in too." Turning to Danny, you laid a quick kiss upon his cheek before walking over to Jake, a wipe already out and over your finger, wiping at the man's under eyes as you both walked towards his dressing room.

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