Chapter Four: A Summer Vacation Gone Wrong [Part Two]

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"RAUGH!" Fueled by his thirst for battle due to his Primal genetics, Moshua was allowed to cut loose for once. But only using his Primal Genetic. No bending. At least if the invasion on Havoniwa didn't get any worse than what it was.

"AUGH!" Another one knocked out for the count was another bandit that was led by a woman named Cordyline. The purpose of this invasion was to kidnap Dagmyer and Ceres, a friend of Kenshi due to their status as Elite Sacred Mechamasters.

Following Corydline's orders were her sons and daughter. Amongst them were other bandits interested to gain whatever they wanted from this "Grand-Scheme".

"WHO ELSE WANTS SOME?!" Moshua shouts throughout Havoniwa forest. Dodging a few bullets, he got his answer when he encountered a female bandit named Komara and Cordyline's daughter named Lan. "MALE OR FEMALE MAKES ME NO DIFFERENCE! THESE HANDS ARE RATED E FOR EVERYONE!"

"You sure are cocky for someone who doesn't own a sacred mechamaster!" Lan was the first to throw the first punch, which Moshua easily countered before kicking her away from him.

"GUAGH!" Lan coughs up blood before collapsing to the ground, her vision begins to blur when she thinks to herself: 'That kid isn't human!' she clenched tightly to her stomach: 'If I take another kick like that from him I'll die on the spot for sure!' "Komara!" She shouts while Komara is engaged in battle with Moshua: "We have to retreat right now!"

"Already!?" Komara whines: "But I'm having fun with my cutie-pie!-"

"Don't talk back!" Lan orders: "We need to leave Now! And That Is An Order!"

"Augh...Fine." Komara ducks a swift kick from Moshua and kisses him on the cheek: "See you later. Cutie-Pie." With that, Komara and Lan made their escape.


Eric enters the scene: "Moshua!" He calls: "We need to regroup at once, they got Dagmyer and Ceres."

"Tell me something I don't know." Moshua replied: "And what does that have to do with us?"

Eric: "Moshua-"

Moshua: "Let Kenshi and the others handle it. It's not my job to rescue someone I despise with a passion."

Eric: "See, I would...But..."

Moshua: "But what?"

Eric: "Miles wants to go help out."

Moshua face-palm: "That kid is gonna get us into serious trouble one of these days. Fine. We're already involved in the resistance anyway, might as well give our adversaries a reason to come back for their rematch in cold blood."

Eric grins: "That's the spirit! Let's get moving!"

Moshua groans: "Sure...Lead the way, mister boy scout."


[After Rescuing Dagmyer and After Ceres lives at peace with his lovable girlfriend]

"Moshua?" Chiaia approaches the Middle Usoko hybrid: "I...Wanted to thank you...For helping us Save Dagmyer."

"Tch." Moshua scoffs, crossing his arms: "Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't save him out of the goodness of my heart. On top of that, don't you find it strange how they didn't rough him up, even a little bit? Even chained?"Chiaia was about to answer whe Moshua then says: "What do you care? You got your precious Dagmyer back and that's all that matters. The End."

Chiaia: "Moshua-"

Moshua: "Whatever apologises you wanna give me, you can take'em and stick them down your throat-pipe. You were right. It was shallow of me to carry out a dying mother's wish. Especially with the likes of you." He turns towards Chiaia, approaches her and looks her dead in her eyes: "IT. WON'T. HAPPEN. AGAIN." He walks past her, heading back to the Resort to resume whatever was left of the Summer Vacation.

Chiaia wanted to go after him, but Eric stopped her, shaking his head. It would take a lot on Chiaia's end to rebuild the bond between Moshua and her.

Yet...It wouldn't take much for Dagmyer to put into action what would surely doom The Holy Land...If Not Planet Geminar itself.

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