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Early rays of dawn kiss the sky, adorning it with scarlet and tangerine hues. He takes a moment to gaze at it, to see the palette of colors amidst the still present remnants of the night sky. It is beautiful and it kindles his hope that finally, after years, there is still something of a new commencement for him. He then turns his gaze to the house he is leaving behind, one that has ceased to be home since years. It is his slice of paradise, his prison, his shelter, the place that has seen his blood, his tears, his helplessness, his silence, his hopes, his guilt and his meagre moments of happiness. It is the place where he's lost the most, the place that will forever hold his vanquished childhood and sculpted years of youth. It is the place where his wings were clipped and he was reduced to ashes, the place where he understood what it was to be a phoenix, rising again and again in the face of disdain, pity, jealousy and indifference, bound by duty as the eldest son and unwilling to let go of the debt that weighed down his soul because it was love and acceptance in a phase where they were what he had lost and never found from others who were supposed to be family. 

He bids it goodbye even though the scars and phantoms that have been given to him here will never bid their goodbye to his soul and settles into the car. And as he leaves the place, his chest feels lighter than he can ever remember. The battle hasn't been won yet but the first step has been taken and it feels like a step towards better. 

He smiles. ( The smile is more tumultuous than serene but it's freeing in an inexplicable way)


The journey to where he intends to stay is a long one. A fresh start means a new place and it has taken him enough time to plan this out. He has cleared his debt with the only person that mattered and saved up enough money over the years, to leave and settle down elsewhere without having to depend on his family and it enables him to finally cut all ties with them.
Because he's tired of holding on for a family that does not give a damn about him. He's tired of being the elder son. He's tired of the taunts, the harsh words served in saccharine voices. But more than everything, he's tired of meeting those brown eyes sparkling with disdain, those that had once held a glint monstrous, sparkling bright in the chilling darkness of the room, with heady confidence and with his mouth overflowing with words shut tight. 

The world outside passes with a whir as he remains in these thoughts. It is the first time he's leaving behind something that he has endured all these years for and it is difficult. It is, in the real sense, a monumental decision. His whole life is changing and while he feels hope for the better, he no longer believes in engaging the yearning his heart still carries in its shattered crevices. He has thought and re-thought this decision countless times in two weeks, covering every angle and aspect, but it still does not stop the storm of thoughts running in his head. He sighs and rubs his face. Peace and solace is all he seeks from life now. 


It is late evening when he reaches Whitefield Apartments. He speaks with the person at the office and completes the pending procedures. He is then guided to the B block of the two block society where his flat is on the first floor and is a 2BHK furnished apartment. It takes him half an hour to shift his packed boxes, a suitcase and two bags to his flat. When everything is in, he thanks the security guard who helped him with 20 rupees. The man thanks him and leaves.

He breaths out a loud sigh, looking around. It looks beautiful and exactly the same as the website had shown.  There seemed to be no immediate problems and he's glad for it. The exhaustion of the travel and his emotions are catching up and he decides to freshen up first. Setting up the basic necessities would be up next.

After a hot shower, he puts on his pajamas and does as he decided. Walnut closets and mahogany open shelves seem to strike a wonderful contrast against the light brown floor of the wood-themed kitchen. He arranges the sugar, salt and tea canisters in the open shelf. Instant noodles, a packet of cornflakes and two packets of wafers go into the closet. As do the 1kg rice and wheat packets. He decides to shop for the rest of the provisions and vegetables, fruits when he visits the market the next day. 

He moves out of the kitchen and goes to his bedroom. The drapes are already there but the mattress is bare. So he puts the bedsheet and pillow covers. He then unpacks his charger and plugs his phone to  charge. Arranging his tablets and medicines on the nightstand next to the bed, he glances around. His toiletries are already unpacked so with all his immediate needs taken care of, he decides on an early Maggi dinner. It's time to call it a night.

WC: 898 words

So here was the first chapter and it might seem unnecessarily descriptive but I just felt the need to set the stage. I hope it's not off putting.


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