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There is a pencil in her hand as opposed to a brush and a subtle smile on her face. She lightly sketches on the sheet of paper, another change as opposed to a canvas. 

"Oh the first time I catch you while you're painting!" he says, almost startling her

"Sketching" she says, going back to her work

"What are you sketching?"

"You'll know after I'm done"

"Just show how much ever you're done"

"A magician never reveals his tricks. You'll only get to see the finished product"

He sighs and concedes. 

The weather is a calm one, as opposed to the rains of the previous day and he looks at it, from his comfortable spot by the sill, a pillow to his back. With the bug hindering his new code resolved, he's free for the entire day which meant he was out, seeking her.

"You don't have to keep silent if you're sitting here" she says after the silence of 15-20 minutes

"If the purpose was a one-sided conversation, I can do it with the wall or the shelf you know" he says with a saccharine smile. She rolls her eyes

"I didn't know my mouth is needed to sketch something on the paper. I was of the belief that my hands are enough" she says sarcastically. 

"Alright, alright!" he sighs

"So our conversation will finally begin with the pleasantries and small talk we have been skipping all along till now" he says


"So I'll start since you clearly don't know how!"


"Hello" she replies.

"I'm Armaan"

"I'm Abhira"

"Nice to meet you"

"Yes sure okay"

"All you had to say was thank you, same here! How can you get that wrong?"

"How does it even matter?"

"It does"

"To whom?"

"To me!"

"And I care about that?"

"You should!"

She sighs, shaking her head in a no. He huffs and there is silence between them again.


"When did you first start drawing?"

"Third standard"

"When did you realize it was your passion?"

"From the moment I began"

"So you were always going to be an artist?"

"Sort of" she says, a bit of her discomfort seeping into her tone

"Okay" he says, understanding he needs to let it go.

"What do you do by the way?" she asks after a moment of silence

"I'm a software engineer"

"Is it your passion?"

"No but it is something I am good at"

"What is your passion then?" she asks curiously

"Writing" he whispers reverently.

"Writing what?"

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