Author's Note

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So this story is complete and I can't express in words how I feel. This is my third year participating in the ONC and the first time I managed to complete the story!!!

This story is really close to me because I have put a lot of my personal things (experiences....???) in the two characters. It has my experiences with asthma, a little of my struggle with my obesity, a little of my insecurities, a little of my poetry. It also has things I have never faced like abuse, violence and miscarriage etc and which nobody should have to face. So yes, it's not really complex in terms of plot twists and I've been a mess throughout the period of writing it but here it is and it makes me happy.

These three months have seen a lot of ups and downs especially with academics and my health, both physical and mental and I guess it shows in my writing because I felt too much and too less and all over the place and couldn't really keep it from reflecting here too.
But I hope you find something nice here because I've been able to complete these despite the writing blocks I faced.

The epilogue is honestly rushed and not something I'm really proud of but hey, I was in a time crunch!

So yes, that's all that I have to say. I have absolutely no idea who is even reading this book and this is the first time I've not given a damn about who reads or doesn't and just gone ahead and written because I wanted to and trust me, it feels great! So yes, there's that!

I don't know if this will qualify further (I didn't think it will qualify round 2 at all tbh) and it'll be okay if it doesn't because hey I goddamn completed a story so that's what matters!!

Oh and fun fact - all the ideation for the story actually began with the movie Laila Majnu and I was going to make it tragic but I scrapped that idea because this was better off this way!


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