Why I'm Writing In This

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Hello, Dairy, this is the person writing in you, Lloyd Garmadon.

Did I just write that? If anyone sees this I'm going to be a laughingstock. Of course no ones going to see this. That's what Uncle Wu said. And Uncle Wu would never lie to me. Right?

I guess I should explain why I'm writing in you.

Well, the short version is, Uncle Wu made me. After I told him about Akita, he started asking me if I'd ever done anything like that before. I told him "Maybe" because the answer's embarrassing. Lets just say I've talked to a lot of animals .

Eventually he got the answer out of me, and told me "If you keep doing this, you might end up telling someone your entire life story without realizing it. Therefore you should write in a dairy." I refused, until he told me that if I didn't that I would be banned from candy for a month.

I still can't believe he actually said that. Who bans someone from candy? It's candy. You need candy to survive. Everyone knows that. What's next? Food? Water? Air? If Uncle Wu's willing to ban me from something as important to survival as candy, then what else is he willing to do? Beat us? Actually that's possible. They did that at Darkly's. And he did tell us to fight that chicken...

I need to talk to Zane about this. Maybe he'll know what to do.

Diary Of A ( Traumatized ) Green Ninja: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now