Purple Nigella

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Purple is often associated with royalty and love-in-a-mist (nigella) flower is associated with virginity. Hyunjin and Felix are both new to love, with their mother's guidance, they may make it through.

The pale nature of this flower also represents duality in the royal bloodline, how it can be in favour of earthly power or the divine power that requires love and sacrifice. Felix's mother proposes an idea for both the families that may require sacrifices to be made from either side for their love to bloom.

The flower also represent beauty found in unexpected places, just like how Hyunjin didn't expect to be so attracted to the woman his mother originally told him not to both meeting.



The panic in Hyunjin's breaths and racing heartbeat could both be heard by Felix, being carried in the Prince's arms as he ran. Felix could barely remember what happened, it was all so fast—one moment Hyunjin had gotten down on one knee then a sudden loud noise caused Felix to lose balance. In a matter of seconds, Felix was soaked through and freezing. The sun had been warm and comforting, but it suddenly became taunting. Every gust of wind sent endless shivers down his spine.

Felix couldn't raise his head in embarrassment. He felt so weak and fragile when sat in that stream. All he wanted was to be dry, and warm. He wanted his mother. He never expected Hyunjin to jump in after him and lift him as if he weighed nothing. Let alone the voice Hyunjin had used to command his manservant, made Felix's heart skip a beat. It was deep and aggressive; the Prince was desperately demanding.

Wet hair stuck Felix in the face, and he knew his mother was going to be shocked. But most importantly, the two were going to be scared of the Prince and his mother finding out their secret. If it got out now, they knew what the repercussions would be, but not the rumours that may evolve. For Felix to even have a chance at winning the Prince's heart, he needed his secret kept hidden.

"You're going to be okay. We're almost back at the castle," Hyunjin panted. It was strange to Felix how those words were enough to help him feel calm—safe.

Minho could be heard following behind, his half-suited armour clanking. Part of Felix wished Hyunjin had let his guard carry him, yet being in Hyunjin's hold was so unreal. His arms wrapped around the Prince's neck, and Felix nuzzled his face in the gap. He couldn't risk his most likely ruined makeup to show his more masculine features.

"Get the door," Hyunjin shouted, and Minho came running past them.

As soon as the doors opened, Felix heard his mother's shriek. "What on Earth happened here?"

It was only at the sound of his mother's voice, that Felix unhooked his arms. "Mother," he cried, wanting to reach out to her.

"I've got her, Your Majesty. She might have hurt her ankle, so I won't put her down yet." Hyunjin's grip tightened as he turned slightly to make sure no one tried to take Felix away from him.

Felix knew that the Prince's closed must have been getting soaked from his dress, but his ankle did hurt. It wasn't easy to walk on the gravel and the goose shocked him enough to stumble and fall.

"Bring her in through here," Hyunjin's mother commanded, pointing at a door to the right.

Hyunjin walked ahead with the others following closely behind. He carefully placed Felix down on the sofa in front of the newly lit fire. "How are you feeling?" He asked, down on one knee beside her.

"Cold," Felix stuttered.

"Someone, get more logs for the fire." Hyunjin stood up and went over to place another log on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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