Chapter Forty-Seven

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My father told Robin to lightly restrain Zale as they inspected my neck since he would most likely have the urge to stop them from seeing my bite. It was something about a natural response or an involuntary reflex. 

Zale jolted and attempted to pull anxiously towards me from behind my dad, but Robin's restraining grip on his arms held him back when I slowly removed my hood and unzipped my jacket. 

The moment my mom brushed my hair back and exposed my "rather decorative" neck, my parent's eyes grew wide. I flushed as my mom covered her mouth in secondhand embarrassment.

"You said nothing happened other than temporary marking." My dad sneered and looked away from my splotchy skin, trying to contain his anger. "Geez. How are we supposed to believe you two didn't sleep together when you come home looking like that?"

I'd totally called it. "Try putting some trust in me, Dad. I'm telling you, nothing happened. I could tell if it did." I winced as my mom pressed on my bite.

Zale jolted into Robin's grip again and shut his eyes with a shaky exhale. "Sorry," he mumbled, closing his eyes. "Sorry."

My mom looked at Zale and sighed with a nod, zipping my jacket up again and throwing the hood over my head. "Her bite mark's pretty deep, so it's going to last at least a month based on this alone. Now, let's take a look at yours. Robin, you can let him go now."

The moment Robin let go of Zale, he quickly walked up to me and adjusted my jacket so the skin on my neck was completely covered. I closed one of my eyes and scrunched my nose as he slid his fingers beneath my jacket, brushing them against my bite. Robin scoffed with a small smirk as I frowned at him when Zale pulled back with a relieved look on his face.

"What the heck. It was already covered," I mumbled, looking down in embarrassment and pushing Zale's hand away.

My mom smirked at me as Zale took down his hood. I unexpectedly felt myself jolt when his bite marks became exposed, and I stumbled back into Robin. He grabbed my arm and squeezed it for reassurance when I looked at him in shock. "It's just a mild reaction like Zale had. You're fine."

I took a deep breath and nodded, knowing that it wouldn't cool down my extreme embarrassment. My parent's reactions were worse when they saw how many times I'd bitten him. "Um...Well, there are more bites on my arms and shoulders, too," Zale admitted when my mom timidly asked him how far the bites went down while covering her mouth, once again in secondhand embarrassment.

"How do you think I freaking feel?" I thought, eyeing my mom and dad with a frustrated expression. This was so humiliating.

When Zale finally covered his neck again with his hood, my mom cleared her throat and looked at the two of us, specifically at Zale. "Well, the verdict is you two will be marked for about four months at the least since Mae bit you so many times. On top of that, you bit her pretty hard while you were almost into your rut, Zale. You released a lot of pheromones into her system."

"Are you serious? It's going to be for that long?" My jaw dropped, and I felt my legs grow weak. My muscles were already not at their best, and the shock made me feel even more weak. I felt Zale come up from behind me and hold onto my shoulders to steady me, shoving Robin aside. I couldn't manage to pull away from him even if I wanted to. I might have fallen if I did.

"Now you see why this marking ordeal is not to be taken lightly?" My dad sighed, unable to meet my or Zale's eyes. He was definitely mad. "Anyways, what's done is done. There's no undoing the temporary marks or what happened last night. Considering no one expected or meant for this to happen, I won't be giving any punishments. However, I do want the two of you to understand the severity of what you have just done."

"Yes, sir," Zale nodded, looking down at me. "I promise I will treat her well from now on if you will let me watch over her. I'm sorry for my carelessness last night."

I finally managed to pull away from Zale's grasp and turn around to face him. "What the heck? You just sounded like you were asking my dad's permission to date me or something. Don't make it sound so wei--"

Zale surprised me by bending down to level with my gaze and smirked. "And what if I did?"

My eyes widened, and my cheeks grew a bright pink. "Listen, I'm putting my trust in you as a contract partner and maybe a potential friend if you behave! And that's a maybe! Even this mark won't mess with my head that much! I'm not like the other girl toys you've had that you've done as you pleased with!"

"You're certainly right about that," Zale grinned at me and stood up straight again, crossing his arms with a sigh. "Well, I guess I'll just have to prove myself to you and work hard to make you mine, won't I? I'll make you fall so hard for me that you'll want to marry me."

I stepped back and looked at him, bewildered. "Stop messing around! And who is it that calls me a kid all the time? I didn't know you were into kids now. That's a new one."

"Have you ever heard of flirting?" Zale snickered. I bit my lip, looking down in frustration. "The only one I'm interested in right now is you."

"Hey! Can you guys have your lovers spat later? Geez, you two can even go at it while you're temporarily marked. It's just impressive. Just when I thought you two were getting somewhere," Robin groaned. "And Zale, you're flirting with Mae right in front of her parents.  Do you have no shame?"

Zale and I just looked at Robin and sighed. My mom and dad were standing by him with crossed arms and weirded-out looks on their faces. I flushed in embarrassment.

"I...I'm hungry. I want to go get lunch," I blurted out after a long moment of painfully awkward silence. My mom and dad couldn't help but smirk, as did Zale and Robin.

"I'll take you to the lodge and get you something. We can also go and get a patch to cover up your bite," Zale immediately said, eagerly raising his hand.

"And I'll go with, obviously. You're buying me food, too, Zale," Robin nodded, glancing at my stiff expression. "I deserve it after having to witness and deal with this horrific event."

I looked at the two Ailswood brothers, who were already offering their arms to me. I frowned and took Robin's while hesitantly taking Zale's as well. "Fine. But I'm ordering a bunch of food. I feel like I could eat a whole moose right now."

"Deal," Zale nodded, then looked at my parents. "May I?"

My dad closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, as long as Robin goes with you two and is by your side at all times. Both my trust and patience in you guys are limited right now."


Hello, my lovely readers! I'm sorry for the lateish and confusing update studying for a huge final exam to finish my degree in college that'll take about a month or so, so I might be a little slow on the updates! Hopefully, I'll do at least two or three a week! Anywayssss, I hope you liked that chapter! As you can see, from now on, Mae and Zale's relationship is going to start to change a wholeeee lot!

(Big sigh) Freaking finally!

I honestly love them so much! They are going to form the cutest relationship, and I have so much planned out for them and how they develop both as a couple and as people! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the side couples too! Things are going to get really good from now on, both with the main plot and relationships, so enjoy the ride!

Vote, comment, and keep up with the latest updates, my friends! Love all of y'all!


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